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how to find the good friends?


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why is it that every time i go to a club one of my so called guy friends grabs my ass? i do not dress * * * * tier than any other girl i dont put up with it either and dont talk to many guys at all . when i put them in line they ignore me because if they cant have their way we cant be friends. i express my boundaries before any of this ever happens too. so they know their out of line . my other female friends dont seem to have this prob and they can walk around topless and not have any problems. but people keep trying to take advantage of me. this is ridiculous. they seem to do it after i realize they arent really that great to be around and i stopped talking to them and then ill be walking somewhere and feel someone grab me and turn around like * * * are you doing?ive even avoided some of these guys before they did it and they still chose to cross the line. am i just not allowed to go dance and have fun ? do i stay inside all the time afraid of who's going to do it next? i punched a guy two weeks ago because of this stuff.

where are all the decent people? is this just me having these issues

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Consider the impression you're giving. Start paying attention to your body language and ask yourself if you're inviting this behavior. Why would you be surprised that guys + alcohol = ass grabbing? Not saying it's right but be aware of the situations you're in and what to expect. I don't believe many guys can be "just friends" with women, especially in early adulthood.

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i make it a point to not have a weak image. i walk with my head up and have a very strong posture. drunk means im more likely to throw fists so i dont see how that makes it more liekyl to happen. . i dont give off a victims impression . the first time it happened i worked on that thats why im so pissed about this .i make it clear that its not ok verbally and physically.

but i guess you guys are right. i cant have guy friends at all. just need to accept it .

i really dont go anywhere else going to goth clubs is my thing. i love to dance and it just doesnt feel the same doing it in my living room .lol. ive tried this.

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