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A quick question about no contact...

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My boyfriend recently dumped me for vague reasons. We have been arguing lately over silly things, so though we both love each other he's said that he can't take the arguing and stubborness anymore and is on the rebound. I dated the guy for 3 years and I've successfully used NC on him before after a breakup, but I was wondering: for most of this year, I've been a frequent updater of my online diary, the address of which he knows and visits daily. I haven't updated it since the break up, and I'm not sure if since I'm doing NC if I should move it to a completely different address that he won't know about so that he can't read about how I'm doing and such, or if I should just stop updating it and leave it where it is. What would be better?


Thanks for any advice,


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Do you want to write in it elsewhere or not write at all seems to be the question. I would not write anything he could read whether you get back together with him or not. I just don't think I'd want any one I was dating or more involved with to be able to get that far into my thoughts. So the question is do you want to keep an online diary. If you do, then move it and don't tell him to where.

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