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No idea what to do please help


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I met this guy 6months ago, at first i didnt really want to get involved cause i have had a bad past with men (domestic violence etc) i had finally just got my life back on track anyway he was pretty percistent about going out to dinner, so in the end i decided to. I fell in love with him fairly quickly, have never met a man like him before, so together with his life, goals in life, great job, caring, romantic, kind, loving. All the things i had been looking for in a man. About 3 months into our relationship, he confessed he was still in close contact with his ex gf who he had been with for 3years they had only been broken up maybe 6months when i met him. At first i was so mad, then i thought hes been open with me i guess i can trust him. He says he loves me with all his heart an wants a future with me. Anyway it has been in the back of my head but i try not to worry about it. Last night he came over an told me he had gone to the bank an applied for a loan of 15 thousand dollars so he could by this girl he is friends with a car (she is 19) he has known her maybe a week longer then me. I just dont understand why he would do something like that ? We were planning to move in together next year and i have been saving every cent so it will be possible. Now he has gone an risked 15 thousand dollars on this girl an his credit rating also, To me that shows hes not really serious about our relationship. I dont know what to do. I know its his money an whatever, but 15 thousand dollars is a lot of money, an it could make things hard for our future is she does not pay it back. Also a little mad cause he never spoke to me about this before hand, i thought we were serious. Really dont know what to do

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To me that shows hes not really serious about our relationship.


You said it right there.


It probably sucks to think about it, but if he just throws that amount of money at a girl without even telling you before hand...


It's just a slap to the face.


If you stick around, don't pay the debt for him at least.


Either this guy needs a hard lesson or he's not really serious about a relationship.

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I agree with all of the above posters - he's not worth your time.


There could be a lesson in this, though. It might not be a good idea to become attached or otherwise invested in a future with someone that you haven't been dating for very long.

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