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still uspet


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about everytime some creep pinched my ass at a club,when that guy pulled on my underwear trying to look down and i just stood there in shock , about the disgusting things customers have said at my job to me. so many incidents of harassment in my life. i finally learned to physically fight back and react quicker but sometimes when my bf touches me one way i remember that stuff or get mad when its brought up.what to do ? the last thing was a coworker put his finger in my ear recently i had absolutely no clue how to react and really dont want to fight a person bigger than me. i told my boss to tell him to keep his hands to himself and he apologized and seemed sincere i did nothing to show him i accepted an apology just nodded my head and kept working because the last time that happened and i was like we're cool the guy intentionally waited for me to let my guard down before he just did it again. i only had a convo with him once so why do you think you can "play" like that with someone who doesnt know you? i made a super disgusted face and it was clear i was on not ok with that behaviour . he said gotcha like it was some game. but he's just another sleaze trying to find any hole he can without getting in too much trouble and it didnt really sound that bad when i told my boss what happened so i dont think they'll fire him.of course he's a good worker too,all predators are so they're in a good position when they get caught. he had no business touching me. no guy does and it pisses me off that i cant be the least bit sociable without a guy taking it way too far in any situation.men as a whole are disgusting .other girls have guy friends but i am never able to make it into the friend zone they always want something else. like why am i not a suitable friend what is different about those girls that you see them as human not some screw toy? always something happening cant work ,cant go out to have fun, creeps everywhere im surrounded.

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That was my question. Wht kind of job is this? Your response next time someone (I pray there wont be) has the nerve to touch anywhere near your no no areas is a swift kick in his testicles. I mean a hard swift sharp kick. Than when he falls down, tell him NEVER touch me like that again! And walk away. I know I know violence is wrong, but there has to be an exception somewhere here.

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Taser. Unfortunately it seems to be the thing to do in some places. A guy thing; as in how far can I go? She's so cute when she get pissed, etc. At that point, in my opinion, if a guy is that dumb to ignore a warning then tear him up. Kick in the nuts to taking out his windshield. Sometimes a guy friend helps, I stopped in at many a place and pretended to be the "new guy in her life.. and he's in the Marines!"... it worked for some. Maybe you got good buds like that.

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When I say higher than your boss, I mean an HR department, or some other resource. At every job I've had (from clothing stores to arts and crafts stores), there have been resources for employees who have an issue that they either feel uncomfortable bringing to the management, or for those that have already have done so, but to no avail.


Just saying, you do have rights. If this guy puts a toe out of line with you again, he should be more than reprimanded.

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I agree with the swift kick in the nuts part. If it's legal in your state, I would get mace or a taser. Taze the crap out the creep if he touches you. You can't get in trouble because you're defending yourself.


Really, my father gave me mace when I had a stalking problem. I told my stalker (ex bf) "try to touch me again and I'll spray it in your eyes and have you arrested". and you know, it's true.

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i work in a pizza shop. as a driver i am not allowed to carry self defense under the dont be a hero bull rule. i turned the wrong way like * * * was that and had to turn again to even see him and of course he had made sure he was way out of my reach. i was wondering if he'd hit me back . he's much bigger than me. thats like my biggest fear . ill fight back and oh he accidentally grabs something else while "defending himself".

if he does anything or says something messed up i will ask the managers to fire him then call hr if i ever see him again or they say no.

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