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I tried making a profile on match, i've had it up for a week and i havent paid for it yet, but i havent really gotten any hits yet. A friend of mine is telling me to use e-harmony, while my brother is telling me to pay for match and to see how it goes.


I've seen a few people on here mention PoF, but im a little iffy when it comes to free sites like that.


What would you guys recommend?

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It varies greatly from area to area. All three are contenders. From my experience and probably because it's free, POF does seem to be filled with a bit more players and game players. eHarmony has a heavy screening process and doesn't let you browse freely - okay, sounds good. But it does connect you with members who haven't been active for months or even years. Match seems to be the best of both worlds - a higher quality clientele, you're free to browse and connect with who you choose, starting with seeing if they're still active. But I would first rely on your friends and brother who have used them and live in your immediate area.

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Personally I wouldn't recommend online dating at all. Yes I know people have had luck on it, but I never have. I had a subscription to Match for several years and outside of a few first and second dates no relationships. Free sites are full of people looking for hookups or people without money. I've heard eHarmony is good but never did it.

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Well my brother went with Match and started paying right away, he's got the looks going for him, while i have more personality going for me. But he claims to have gotten tons of hits within the first few days of signing up and paying, where as i havent gotten much, but im still on a free account. My friend who said eharmony didnt really have much luck with it, but he said he liked the personality screening, and that it might be a better match for me. I try to stay away from free sites because i've heard of a lot of scams and what not from those sites, but i'm still new to the online dating world, so im a little unsure.

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I have only used free sites like OKC and POF. I don't have good experiences with online dating as I haven't ever had one date after over a year. People are either fakes, flaky, super sheltered (or have serious problems), only there to play games and jerk guys around or completely back out and make excuses when it comes to meeting up. Some are only content with emailing or instant messaging and nothing more. I never tried paid sites like Match or eharmony. The problem I have with match is that many of the same girls that I have messaged on POF are on there (They didn't respond or have any interest in me on POF, why would this be different?) or others don't seem legit or my type.


Like newwave, I don't recommend online dating. Sure, you can use it as an alternative but don't expect much or rely on it. I don't doubt that there are genuine and good girls but they are few and far between on these online dating sites from my experience.


My opinion is biased as I haven't had anything good come out of this.

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I feel after awhile you can spot people that aren't serious and people that are. eHarmony was classic example, the ones with very short answers, nothing in-depth and when you start to communicate they sound completely different. In that sense each person should be honest and really let themselves know who they are; after all it is online dating you're looking at here. Without really telling others who you are there's no way someone will take interest let alone bother looking at your one-sentence profile.

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I hated e-harmony. waste of money. after a few days they didn't send me many matches anymore! the matches they sent me were old, unattractive guys.


POF is working out well for me. there are a lot of people on that site.


OKCupid is ok. after a few months things slow down and it seems as though it's the same people and no one new.


Match is not so great. I have so many old men contact me! and ones out of state.


It's funny because a lot of people you come accross are on more than one site.

PAY ATTENTION to the kinds of messages they send you and what it says on their profiles. i think on all sites you will people who are crap.

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Tried PoF. Haven't signed up for any pay sites yet. So far PoF is interesting. But i dunno what the deal is, it doesn't seem like im sending out generic, bad messages to most of the people i talk too(well aside from the first few messages, lol) i usually talk about my interests, same things you can find on my profile and leave it off with a few questions. My pictures aren't terrible either, a few self shots, nothing too terrible or grainy. My responses are varied though. Im not really limiting myself to 1 person but the people im genuinely interested in just delete my message, sometimes without even viewing my profile. Dunno what gives. Most of them talk about how their open to new things and they don't want some guy that's looking to hook up for the night, or the generic ghetto boy, or someone with decent grammar. I fit all those categories but i just keep getting the boot. It's almost more rough online than the real world, hah.

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