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Guy advice.. how would this make you feel?


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I was wondering if I am reading too much into this and how I should address it. Here is the story:


A while back I went to a concert and a guy from the main band seemed to be staring at me the whole time. No big deal. There was a connection for some reason but I knew nothing about him. When I found out he was an artist I friended his company profile on myspace from the band's page. He ended up contacting me about my art and we messaged back and forth since. His myspace says he is single (I would imagine this is no secret to anybody though). He did compliment me on my looks numerous times.


So then down the road I delete my myspace and he friended me on facebook. There, it said he was in a relationship. It is possible this was recent and he just didn't change it on myspace but I don't know. He started messaging me on msn (I gave it to him before I knew he was dating). It isn't that I was expecting or even hoping to date him but perhaps I would have been a little more distant if I knew he was in a relationship.


Then today he commented on my facebook and I clicked on it to look at his profile, but when I did there was no "(name) commented on your profile" status update but there is for other people. It made me wonder if he is going behind his girlfriend's back or what the deal is.


Should I try to ask him something about it? Cut off contact? I really have no idea...


I'll admit that I thought he was really attractive on all fronts which I never think

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I'd ask him about it. The absence of the notification on his page probably means he's hiding something. If you don't want to directly ask him, write on his wall and see if he leaves it up. Be sure to throw something in like a " " or something slightly flirty. If he deletes your post you know something's going on.

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Well I can't post on his wall but I'm not sure if anybody can. I also can't see his tagged photos. This might be the case for everybody he isn't close to irl. The other thing is.. that girls leave flirty messages on his profile all of the time because well he is in a big band


How would I ask him if I did?


If you are added as a friend on facebook would updates like "x commented on your profile" not turn up or would you have to select for that to happen?

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Well I can't post on his wall but I'm not sure if anybody can. I also can't see his tagged photos. This might be the case for everybody he isn't close to irl. The other thing is.. that girls leave flirty messages on his profile all of the time because well he is in a big band


How would I ask him if I did?


If you are added as a friend on facebook would updates like "x commented on your profile" not turn up or would you have to select for that to happen?


Wait wait is this his personal page? Or a page that you can become a "fan" of?

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It is his personal page. He seems to be private so I didn't send a request but he did anyways.


He could be messaging other girls as well. I don't want to be a part of anything that could hurt somebody but I don't know how innocent it is. I don't understand why he would friend request me knowing his profile said he was in a relationship if it wasn't innocent. :S

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It is his personal page. He seems to be private so I didn't send a request but he did anyways.


He could be messaging other girls as well. I don't want to be a part of anything that could hurt somebody but I don't know how innocent it is. I don't understand why he would friend request me knowing his profile said he was in a relationship if it wasn't innocent.


So you two are friends, but you mentioned that you can't comment his wall. But then you also said that other girls leave flirty messages on there. So...he hasn't disabled comments on his wall for these other girls...he's disabled comments for you specifically?

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No sorry .. girls leave flirty messages on his pictures which I can comment on (profile pictures). I have no idea if I am getting "special treatment" or not compared to the others XD. I can understand him wanting a degree of privacy considering he doesn't know me that well etc.

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