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Lube suggestions?


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Well, my gf and I have had sex a few times now but it is almost always painful (last night was the first night it was not) so we have to use tons and tons of lube, which she doesn't like and neither do I and then dump it on a nasty latex condom...all a huge turn off.


Now, I won't be seeing her for at least 3 months so I thought I would do some research. Are there water based lubricants? Something that is not sticky or greasy. She feels like she has to shower after each time because she is clogged up with lube and I have to give jimbo a firm washing each time as well. Anyway...suggestions for the future?


I should mention though that she is naturally tight and naturally does not produce a lot of uhm...vaginal lubricant.

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I've used Astroglide and have had no issues.

I find it absorbs well, that I don't need to bathe afterwards...


Lately we've been using Trojan Naked Sensations condoms and they have quite a bit of lube already on the condoms that we don't require additional lube, but the lube is thick and definitely does not absorb and gets everywhere!

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I should mention though that she is naturally tight and naturally does not produce a lot of uhm...vaginal lubricant.


Sounds like you hit gold here lol.

Plenty of water based lubricants. I can't remember what it's called, but there's one at walmart you can buy. It's a small 6 - 7 inch red tube. Works wonders. Water based.

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I should mention though that she is naturally tight and naturally does not produce a lot of uhm...vaginal lubricant.


Sounds like you hit gold here lol.

Plenty of water based lubricants. I can't remember what it's called, but there's one at walmart you can buy. It's a small 6 - 7 inch red tube. Works wonders. Water based.

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Definitely make sure it's water-based. An oil-based or silicone-based lube can corrode latex and make condom ineffective. I use a specialty brand I bought when purchasing other (ahem) adult products, but astroglide or other store brands also work fine. Water-based lubes are runnier than others, but wash out of sheets more easily. You may have to reapply periodically.


There are a lot of 'warming lubricant' and/or 'flavored lubricant' options and personally these aren't my thing. I find the extra warmth kind of weird. But.. to each their own.


have fun

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