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Arghhhhh! Get off your damn butt! Seriously. Between spending the day in a cramped, stuffy office with a person I don't particularly like, getting a parking ticket when I already explained myself earlier (in an empty lot to boot!) coming home to NO dinner, and a house that is just as messy as when I left this morning, I am ticked off. Is it too much to ask to have one burger saved for me? Maybe clean up for me? Course not. That's what I get to do on my downtime, apparently. He gets a three day weekend. I get ONE day off, and he has not done ONE thing he promised to do. I love him to death, but I could seriously strangle him right now.

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Thank you metro!! It's finally starting to sink in that we're not just talking about it anymore. This stage really is a lot of fun. Everyone loves calling him my fiance now and congratulations are coming in left and right...so is the booze. Apparently when you get engaged, people want you to get drunk! Most of all, it's brought us even closer. It's like a new kind of bond to know that we are really on our way to marriage and everything that comes with it. It definitely feels different than just being together or just dating.


LOL OG. I felt sooo much better after I got that off my chest, and came to realize that I was really upset about having to work with this jerk who has no filter. I try not to let him get to me, but he does. Alex heard me making dinner and cleaning up and came out to help. Sometimes I just need to think about what is really making me upset.


There's this girl at work whose 6 year relationship broke up this summer. He tried to look all innocent, but turns out he was cheating. Before she could even get her stuff out of the apartment, the new girl's stuff was already intermixed with hers! That is why I can brush it off when she tells me "I hate you for your happy relationship." Butt it did sting a bit. I simply told her that we work hard at it. Didn't know what else to say. Awkward as anything.

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Wow... I mean, it sucks going through a break up but geez. That was extremely rude! I could understand if she said it in a laughing manner but still. You know you win some, you lose some. She pulled the jerk card, you pulled the good guy card. Not your fault. Not her's either but yeah.


I'm the same way when I'm mad. L has pretty much gotten into the routine of when I snap at him or he knows I'm getting annoyed finding out why I'm annoyed. Most of the time it comes out in a rush and and I'm still snapping at him, but I always feel better once he drags it out of me. Sometimes even I don't know why I'm angry until he says something and then it's like 'click'.

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Awwww. We still didn't make it to the caves/the park. We're clearly not supposed to go. We were happy when we made it past the point that we got to last weekend, but then he said, "hopefully your car doesn't break down or something." Well it hadn't yet, but guess what? 6 km down the dirt road almost to the lake, car loses power. We limped it to my brother's shop and found out that it needs new spark plugs/wires. So, there goes another $100. At least it was only that though. My poor car is so pathetic right now. All I wanted was one day with Alex outside, away from chores and obligations. Poo.

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Sorry... that sucks! I hate driving unreliable cars. My high school car (which I just got rid of) got that way. We just couldn't rely on it anymore. But we couldn't really afford another car either. Luckily, he found a good deal on craigslist and my parents bought back my car (which had originally been theirs) so I was able to get a new (to us!) one.

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My car worked great when my sister had it and up until the last month and a bit, it's worked great for me as well. But, it's a 1990 and starting to age I guess. Alex got it all fixed up and now I have funky bright blue wiring. I hope it can hold out for a couple of years. Alex's car definitely needs to be replaced. Mine is a Honda and it's well built and for the most part, very dependable. His is a Hyundai and built like a plastic golf cart.

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My first car was a '92 Chevy Cavalier. I spent $150 on it in '07 and it ran until my ex wrecked it in '09. I had to replace things here and there - belts, pulleys, brake system (the brakes actually gave out on me WHILE I was driving with my niece in the car) and so forth. Little tune ups. I miss that car. For being as old as it was when I got it, it ran wonderfully. I actually have a '99 Chevy Monte Carlo right now and spent about $3,000 on it, so far *knock on wood* I have only spent $80 to replace a water pump.

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Okay, my future (okay she is already) MIL is just great. All she wanted in exchange for my tuition was for me to email her pictures of my ring. I told her I would pay her back and chip away it at, etc... but she just said don't worry about paying me back, just let me babysit lots some day. Win-win in my books. I'm still glad I pushed myself as hard as I did to try to earn the money. At least now it will be a bit of a cushion for us. In other news, Alex's brother is moving to China in Nov! He's fallen in love with a Chinese girl he met while in boot camp, and wants to move there and get our of the army, start a new life. I don't even know how I feel about that one.


A friend of mine got engaged on Sunday and they are planning to have a destination wedding to Jamaica in a year. I'm so thrilled for them, but I don't know if we'll be able to go. We're not super best friends or anything, but I'd still love to see them get hitched.


So friend drama. Friend A has been with her bf for a very whirlwind 2 mos. They have spent literally every night together, she met his parents after a few days, and now she is stepping back saying "too much!" I don't blame her. At the same time, her first love has gotten back in contact with her and she has realized she still loves him even though he now lives accross the country-- and he left without telling her. He's a typical bad boy with a sweet side (I've never met him, but this is how he's described) and she is now stuck between two guys. It's a long story, but she is so upset and confused.


Other friend is beyond obsessed with her FWB. She constantly, constantly talks about him and this has been going on since the spring. We could be talking about ingrown hairs, and it would somehow circle around back to him. It's getting really hard to hear because if this guy was going to make her his gf, he would have by now. It's more like booty calls. She insists that she's okay with what they are now, but it's obvious that she's not.


They have fooled around, but they have not kissed. They text, but they don't talk on the phone. The only time she sees him is when she offers him rides home (dj with DUI's) and then she crashed at his place. Not only is she not sleeping well, but she refuses to turn her phone off, so she won't miss a text from him, even in the dead of night. She's not happy 90% of the time and it's eating me up inside watching her do this to herself. He is her #1 priority, and she is no priority to him at all. All of us are just watching this and hoping that it doesn't seriously screw her up. I wish I could make her see the light!


This wasn't supposed to be this long, but I needed to get it out. I am an emotional sponge and watching people hurt, hurts me as well.

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Poor Alex just walked in for his lunch break and his phone rang--back he goes. I'm making a pasta dish so when he gets to come home and eat, he'll have a good meal. It is so stinkin hot here all of a sudden- 30 degree plus. I really want to bake, but I don't want the house to be a sauna for the rest of the day. Went to class today, but none of us who are waitlisted are getting in, so I guess Wednesdays are school-free. I delivered the new issue of the paper and then grocery shopped. Now I am cooking and procrastinating doing interviews...

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Ours is right here at home. Mushmushmush. I've been busy all day so far. Got my docs sent off to student loans so they won't keep charging me, got my class schedule finalized, looked into books (cheaper to buy on campus this time) and I've been working on news articles for the majority of the day. Have three articles started, two being written by other people, one wired article and I am basically now just waiting for people to call/email me back. Productive!

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