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Okay...this is an odd situation but i need some input. I had this friend throughout this year and we became really good friends. I was going to try to start a relationship and ask her to homecoming when i found out she had already been asked. Their homecoming date turned into a 7 month relatihionship and is still currently going on. We still remained good friends throughout the time of their relationships..but when we would hang out she acted like me and her were together and it confused me and sent me into a minor depression. Then all of a sudden she stopped taling to me and i havent spoken to her since school ended. I asked her boyfriend if her knew why and he had no clue. Can anyone give me any advice on what i should do to became friends with this girl again.

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First of all u gota realise that for a relationship to work there must be an imput from both ppl! You may still wana be friends with her but if she has changed her mind about you then you will have no chance! But that is out of your control!


With that in mind you cannot develop your relationship without communication so the most important thing to do now is to contact her! You musy sit down and talk to her! Get her friends to tell you where she is! You know!


Only then can u find out how shes really feeling! But dont put any pressure on her! Ok?

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