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yes i do. i cut on my arms my chest my legs anywhere i can get away with it i do it to take my mind off whatever is bothering me at the time.in the last 2 years ive had 3 friends kill themselves and a bunch of other things happened too.if you really wanna understand cutting i recomend you talk to your friend.


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yes, i do/did cut, but haven't since the 17th of June... i do it to relieve anger stress or any other emotions, to rebel against my parents or other people, to hurt myself, to see the blood, to feel real. it depends on the person and there are so many reasons....I've used an earring just to cause pain and a knife which will draw blood...



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Yes, I cut. to answer all of your questions what: razor blade mainly, but if I can't get one anything sharp. Where: left forearm. How: Use sharp object and slice arm open. Why: stressed, depressed, angry, upset. I agree with dpressedone89. Talk with your friend if you want to know about it. Surf the web. Read books. PM me if you want.

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I used to cut but havent for a month or two now.


Personally I used just about anything sharp that I could get my hands on, a razor, scissors, scalpel and a few times I've broken apart a shaving razor just to get at the blades.

I mostly cut on my upper left bicept region but I have cut other places aswell, mostly on my arms.

The reason I did this was because I was upset and I found it very calming to see my blood, strange I know but until you've been in that mindset you can't really comprehend it. Also I did it to feel the pain because at the time I couldn't feel anything else, I was numb.


PM me if you want more info/advice.

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I have once its not something to be proud of though.It does take the pain away from you for a few minutes then you think wat have i done and wish you hadent but then your left with a scar,I done it when my bf nearly cheated on me. please dont do it to yourself its not a nice thing i no when your oldr you will lok back on the scars and thing y? i do now so dont do it,its not worth it. xXx

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Most people do say that oh it was the cat or I was in the woods and got it stuck on a thorn bush. I know I used to just bolt when people asked me about it. Now I'm starting to be able to talk about it. Most people don't like to talk about it. It's just really akward. Or embarrassing. So I'm not sure what to tell you. Maybe look around online for some more advice.



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  • 1 month later...

Do I cut? Yes...I tried different methods for quitting but perhaps now just isn't my time.

Where? Upper arms, stomach, thighs, wrists, shins.

How? With a razoeblade taken from a bic razor, pocket knife, scissors, anything and everything.

Why? -sigh- Though I would love to answer this portion, I cannot. I just can't be sure why I cut because so many things trigger the urge. Its difficult...I ask myself why everyday and I never come up with a clear or "good" reason.

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  • 1 month later...

yes i do cut, and to answer all your questions :

with what: anything sharpe, hopefully a razor blade or scissors

hwy: to realease anger and frustration inside, with me alot of little things i think are all my fault and i get really down and i almost always cry about everything, so i do it alot, i DO NOT DO IT FOR ATTENTION!!!! i think that is stupid and im not proud of my scars.

where: sometimes on my left wris, under my watch band, but on my thighs to usually

how: its pretty straight forward i think!

so ya thats about it and look it up on the internet, theres alot of info about it etc....

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yeah, i cut...it's not something i'm proud of though...i tried stopping cuz it does leave pretty ugly scares, but im just not stron enough yet( i guess)

so, yeah...

-i usually cut on my left arm, but sometimes on my thighs or my somach, cuz its easier to hide.

-i only do it when im really angry, sad, depressed, well, any extreme feeling that is bad actually! i have a tendency of freaking out over small things, which really doesn't help.

-and, well, as for how, well...razor blades, knifes, anything i can find pretty much

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i cut... not proud of it though

trying to stop. im getting help

with razorblades, scrapbooking blades, the blades from the inside of a pencil sharpener... anything sharp really, ive used things from paper to mechanical pencils to paperclips.

i cut everywhere... and anywhere...

i cut because i want to get my mind of the mental pain, i have depression and many thoughts cross my mind that i dont like. i also tend to think too much leading to suicidal thoughts, however, i dont think suicide is the answer quite yet so i cut. i like the pain. I like the blood...

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Yes, I do cut. But I'm trying to quit. I haven't done it for about a week now and I'm getting a lot better at resisting it. I cut mostly on my thighs, and always wear long pants so that nobody will see it and tell my parents. However, you bleed much more easily and much faster on the arms. Good luck with your friend.

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  • 4 weeks later...



yes i cut i have cutted into my arms i don't know how many times

i guess i do it because i think it releives stress i have never cutted anywhere else but my arms i had to spend a couple of days in the hospital i have used a steak knife a broken piece of glass a piece of aluminum pop can a pen cap finger nail knife thats pretty much all i can think of i dont have a certain time i do it it varies i cut by rubbing the sharp object back and forth on my arm antil blood gets drawn if you have any questions you can email me at email removed



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