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Everything posted by randomness90

  1. not that simple..tried and doesn't work...like i said i like cutting.
  2. so im a major cutter... i hide it. no one ever knew about it...but then one day this kid saw my scars during gym. he told the conselor. since i dotn get mad at ppl i forgave him. the conselor told my mom. so i stopped for about a month..but things are crazy and i get upset or angry easily and i hate crying so i started cutting my hip to hide it (i hate people who show it off) but it doesn't work as well. i like cutting and the kid has been seeing me depressed lately so he has been bugging me. i hate lying. i was wondering if there is a way to ge thim off my back without lying....i know its a stupid question.
  3. yes i cut i use anything i find thats sharp mostly razors. i cut my arms and wrist. i do it cuz i dont trust anyone to tell my problems and this helps take away stress anger sadness and everything my screwed up life is full of.
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