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Does an age difference really matter?

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The reason why I ask this question is because I'm interested in this cute girl who is really nice. My first problem is she's my bosses daughter. The second problem is we have a bit of an age difference. I'm 23 and shes 16, now I'm not really leaning towards a sexual relationship mainly just to be her friend and cuddle. Would this be wrong in a way since our age gap is so huge?

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I don't really think it's wrong, but I believe someone near your own age has a lot more to offer.


The one thing that makes it weird is all those laws. Sadly, this causes guys who like younger girls to be considered perverts.


Do you hang out with her?

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I'm thinking there's a bit too much of a gap there right now. If you were 40 and she was 33, that's different.....the maturity and where you are in life are a lot closer than with the age you and she are now. Not to mention there's that little problem of the legality of it.....even if there was no sex involved, I've no doubt her parents would be hugely upset to find out their daughter was hanging out with a 23-year old!



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I can say form experiance its going to be tough if you persue anything with her. When I was 26 I meet a amazing girl that I fell hard for...Unfortunatley she was 17 (almost 18). Things seemed fine at first but then came the questions of her dating around was she missing her chance by being with me. Prom was a bit odd but I had fun all the same. The real issues came when she started college. Then it was friends friends and less of the precious time I was use to spending with her. She would do some not so bright stuff due to her age and imaturity and when I would say somthing it would only make her mad. I wish you luck if you persue this but be prepared for the maturity diffrence. At least till shes 22 or so. Thats not even touching on the boss thing.

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