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she broke up with her bf....what next...

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ok guys ill try to keep it to the point

i met a girl a while ago i really like who i knew had a bf, i only see her in the morning on the train..i met her thru a friend.. she is very friendly and sometimes i feel she might even like me..she is a very outgoing girl


she breaks up with her bf of 3 years..(i was starting to think i was the reason she broke up with her bf).. and starts telling me how she is soo relified and she looked really happy. and told me how she wants to go out heaps and hang out with friends and all..once she said that i took the opportunity to say. hey you should hang out with me sometime. and she said yeah and then added that it would be good smiling and looking at me.. anyways i didnt ask her for her number.


the next day comes i see her again talking friendly as usual to me. so i gain courage and i said to her hey jenny is it ok if i can get your number she goes yeah . and i added cause you know how i said you should hang out with me sometime i just wanna give you a call as soon as im finish with my university this semmester.. anyways she ask me for my number too i gave it to her.. anyways she started giving me her number and my phone battery died unbelievable but it did die...so i said oh damn my phone battery died and i said hey u wanna text msg me sometime so i get ur number..and she goes yeah ok.her body language was cool no hesitation.


anyways this was yesterday.. i still havent received any ph text msg from her..


im comfused.. cause if i was on her mind she would have msg me already.

what could be going on... if she doesnt msg me what should i do should i ask her out to a movie and make an specific day.

pls ppl i need help cause im very bad a the dating game...



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hey there, if she has just come out of a relationship i would tread very carefully as u don't want to be a rebound and get hurt...even though she seems happy that she is out of it she will still be hurting...


just try to be her friend and don't stress out over the text message, when shes ready she will sent it!! just chill out and enjoy each others company for now!

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You shouldn't analyze the situation too much, because many things could've happened to prevent her from text messanging you.


First, she could have simply lost your number. It happens all the time.


If that's not the case, maybe something happened in her personal life that is really important or she may just be getting busy. Does she work? Is her life full of drama? Does she have a lot of interests? Maybe she just doesn't have the time lately.


Another possibility is just that she has closer friends she wanted to get together with first. She is single! After getting out of a relationship that had her tied down for three years, she's probably not looking into settling down too quickly. She could be afraid that this is what you want.


There could be many things other than those three. Just don't think of it too much and have fun. If it's meant to be, it'll happen. Just be patient and meet other girls for the time being.

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hey guys over the weeknd i waited for her text msg but never got one..

anyways.. i saw her this morning on the bus.. she was talking to me happy as usual and when we stayed quiet i would just look at her and she would look at me smiling i did this like 2 or 3 times.. anyways i didnt ask for her number again or mention anything about her sending me the text sms....i walked with her when we got of the bus she went her way and i went mine


at lunch time out of the blu i receive a text msg i was thinking could it be her.. and it was her... saying "hey u, having a good day so far? here is my number c u later.. jennie about an hour later i replied to it.. asking her how her day was and all.. she didnt reply but. hey atleast she sent me the text msg without reminding her could this be a good sign?

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