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Today would be my 2 year anniversary and 2 months since my breakup

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Two years ago on this exact date I asked this cute, pretty little princess to be my girlfriend. I still remember everything that went on during that day down to a tee. I even remember what we were wearing. It was one of the happiest days of my life.


720. That is the date. It was just a coincidence we picked such a common number. 2*360 = 720 degrees, 720p, etc.


Like any couple, we had our rough times but I always thought we'd be able to pull through them and survive. I finally found out that wasn't the case. After coming home from college two months ago, she told me that we're over. I didn't understand it at first. I was confused, lost, and most of all, lonely. I felt horrible about myself and didn't know how or what I was going to do. She wanted NC between us and I tried my best to honor that. Last time I spoke to her was on June 12th. It's since been 5 weeks since we've last spoken. 2 days after that last phone call she has a new boyfriend.


Since I found out, I've had no urges of contacting her. I have been living my life. She still pops into my head nearly every minute of my day but it has gradually become less and less. I am glad and grateful for that. It is not that I hate her, I just lost my respect for her. She told me she didn't want a relationship going into college. 3 weeks after that, she has a new boyfriend. Doesn't make much sense to me.


I am thankful and grateful to ENA for being there for me, especially the first few weeks after my breakup. I have since gotten a lot better and stronger. I don't need to rely on a girl to always be there for me. I've gotten a lot closer to my friends and I know that they will never leave me or hurt me. ENA has been my best friend during the beginning of my break up, providing advice and positivity, and helping me get through tough nights. Although I haven't been posting as much as I'd like recently, I still check in to the site and read some of your stories. Keep your heads up guys, things do get better.


If any of you guys need to talk, I'm always open to a friendly discussion. Whether it's helping you get through a rough day or some advice, I'll try my best to see what I can do. Just send me a private message.


In conclusion, things do get better! Time is a great doctor and only with time will you actually heal.

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Donkey Kong Country is a great game btw


Glad this place has been a good source to help you on your way. I know it has been a benefit for me.


So are you not interested in dating anyone at the moment?


Not at the moment. Partly because I haven't found the right person yet but hopefully soon. I think I'm ready for a new relationship but I'm waiting for the right one.

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Hey DeenasRhino

How are you doing eh?

I am glad that your condition is improving

HE too keeps popping into my head every minute..but still It's my 20th day of NC..

Its actually 40 days of NC but 20 days back, he contacted me to break up finally, as i was flooding him with my texts...to get him back...which he ended 20 days back...

now you would ask.....if i was texting him constantly for 20 days...why would i count them in NC,....thats coz he didn't reply at those times.....

so when it finally got over, I started NC afresh.

today. its the 20th day of Nc....you won't believe,I have cried like oceans...all these days...thats uncontrollable....feeling lonely .... the only way I console myself is ....since he wanted to go aaway from me....he wasn't the right guy of my life....coz.....the right person wouldn't even think about separation....also....if i was so crazy about the wrong one, wonder how beautiful my life will be, when the right one comes along......what hurt me most....is he broke my trust .....by suddenly after 2 yrs..telling me "i want to live now. Its over. I dont feel for you..i hate u" when college ended....so that he could smoothly escape....never to see me again.....!!

He played! that hurt me....he couldnt breakup decently .....that hurt me.....he made fake marriage promises and commitments....that hurt me.....what's the most that's hurting me is, he left me in this state......he being the wrong and I being the right, still he's happy even today....I'm sure he is not regretting having left me(I was too good for him always I bent I adjusted).....what's hurting me the most is , God has not yet punished him! May God punish him till death...may he never find love...may he regret having left me...and may he and his parents ( who were the culprit ) never ever live peacefully. If God exists, He will do justice. Plus, How will the Karma leave him?? He will have to pay for it. The sad part is, he still is happy ! He broke my heart into pieces, How can I forgive him. I can move on, and I seriously have lost all respect for him ,the day he left me unexpectedly, but, I cannot totally move on, until I see him SUFFER.

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Hello funk,


I think that you have too much hostility towards your ex. He left you and you need to realize that. You said that he wasn't the right guy in your life. Keep telling yourself that and remember that the right guy is out there somewhere. There is no need to wish all these bad things to him.


With time you will learn to forgive or atleast move on with indifference.

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hey how can you be sooo forgiving? She cheated you !! How can you forget? If you forget this,then you will perhaps never be aware the next time and get cheated again by someone else. Do not forget things ! They are now our enemies! They left us. I am not saying they didn't have a right to make their life's decision, but, there is always a way to do ! They were callous! ruthless! And they will keep doing this to everyone , after us too. So we can't let our fellow unsuspecting victims suffer ! As a matter of humanity atleast, if they learn a lesson, their brains and hearts too, would come back to right places, where they are supposed to be.

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You need to train yourself not to think about them. Keep yourself busy. Find a hobby to do, hang out with friends.


Try to think of something you enjoyed doing before you met your ex. For me, it was basketball. I've been playing a lot more lately and when I play it really helps to clear my mind.

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