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Me and my ex had been going out for 3 years, all of the sudden she needed a break, she says she didn't like always having to tell me what she was doing when she went out with friends. But Yet she always did it to me. She broke up with me 3 weeks ago. At first She wanted nothing to do with me and didn't even want me to talk to me. Now we talk like every 5 days for more, she says that she misses me and that she likes talking to me. She brings up stuff from the past about us. she says she wants to see me but then its like she doesn't want to see me right now. What is going on? I love this girl with all my heart. I want to get back together and work this out but she's not really telling me how she feels. Its like playing hard to get. What stage is she going though? Should I stay true to her for awhile just incase she wants to work it out. Need help.

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First off, you need to remember why there was a break up in the first place, and realize that if you two were to start over and try again, the behaviors and arguments that took place would not be changed at all. It would still stand as a problem between you. If you were willing to come to some compromise (like on Sunday, its guy/girl night-she goes with the girls, you with the guys) Maybe things could work out. It sounds like she is sort of keeping you on a tight leash, not letting you stray too far so she can fall back on you when she needs to. I know that sounds awful, but many women work that way. I suppose it is a version of playing hard to get....tell me this...is it working? I sense that it is and if she were to come to you tomorrow or 3 months from now, you would take her back. Are you willing to do that? If so, then you need to set some grounds with her and tell her that you want to know what is going to happen with you two. If you are NOT willing to be at her beck and call, then you need to tell her that if she wants you, she has to let you know NOW, if not, you are hittin' the road. Stay strong. Dont let anyone walk all over you!

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it seems she might be going through denial. you know those stages can get a little crazy to figure out and can get you in the face hard. but it seems she might just want to get back together with you. maybe she feels she might have just made the wrong mistake. it seems that you werent controlling her, or holding her back right? see all you wanted to know was just what she was doing, you were concerned and just wanted to know. it wasnt like you didnt trust her. but see some women dont like the whole "where are you going, what are doing" questions. but ask her how she feels. if you want to find the source to this whole thing, then you will ask the key questions to get those key anwsers that you want. hope i helped. take care.

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