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dating site etiquette for larger weight disclosure?


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Hi, I have been considering joining a dating site, possibily link removed, but I am a larger sized girl, size 20, and was wondering how to go about putting that accross on the dating site. I dont want to mislead anyone into thinkin I was skinny because thats not what they would get, but at the same time, I dont want a guy to just suddenly ignore me because I was bigger.

Though, as Im writing this maybe I dont want to attract that sort of person anyway?


Anyway, what do you guys think would be the best way to disclose this?

Have a main pic of just my face but a few full body pics inside my profile, so they have to check out my profile to see them?

write it out in the description of me so its clear that way? or just state im larger when it asks for size, though does anyone read that anyway?

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As a larger girl myself, I usually leave it up to my photos to put that accross. I wouldn't want to attract a guy that was put off by my weight nor do I like attracting men with fat fetishes (like found on plus size dating sites). I did that and was just grossed out by someone who was stuck on my size. I'd prefer a man that liked ME and was attracted to ME! Anyway, I put it out there...I don't pretend I'm skinny, but in the same token I don't ONLY talk about my weight. Does that make sense?

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ive had the same thoughts, but i say, just post your photos.


i try and post various pics of myself. one where i look great, one where i dont. one w/o makeup, full body shots. i dont want to be deceiving. i also would write in my profile a little fyi that im tall and no waif so there are no surprises. im not plus size but im sorta amazonian-ish hahah.

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I don't see why you feel the need to "disclose" it in your main profile?


I think just good, yet honest photos of you should be completely fine. A face shot is usually want you want for the profile pic, to get attention, and then a couple body shots to give the idea of size for honesty's sake.


Also, if you join a site like link removed, I believe they have a area where you disclose that in your stats anyways... a place where you select body type just as you would height or hair color. Something like "a few extra pounds" or "curvy" or "about average" or "slender" etc. etc.

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Feature full-length and recent photos of yourself. A lot of big girls on link removed feature face-only pics...it's just not fair to a guy like me who prefers thinnish women. So be 100% up front...don't hide yourself. You are who you are...


Same thing with guys: be upfront and 100% honest with your pics. And--if you're NOT 6'2"...then don't write that you're tall! She'll figure it out the first time that she meets you!!!

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