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It's insane! I liked a guy online, talked to him a month/two ago and he just ended up with no interest. I tried to reunite with a friend from high school and he never returns my texts. I started a new job and I REALLY like this guy there and.. come to find - he's got a girlfriend!! Why am I such a loser? Am I not pretty enough? Intriguing enough? I just dont get it. Am I really just a loser? I always thought I was cute, had a sweet smile, and was sweet with people. What is wrong with me? ? ?

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Happy Belated Birthday.


Hmm so you're not a teenager having a teenage moment.


I think you will get someone once you start being more happy about yourself, i don't know how but guys have a radar pulling them towards confident people. So try working on that.


As for sharing things and telling everything...you can start an online journal thing. It helps to write things out.

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Commonly recycled advice (yet effective sometimes):


Go do something with new people. Take a class, volunteer, join a club. Hardest part is picking up the phone/driving to the place to set something up.


Going to the gym is also a great idea, exercise makes for good endorphins. Just watch out, lotta guys there are players.

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Going to the gym is also a great idea, exercise makes for good endorphins. Just watch out, lotta guys there are players.


Happy Belated Birthday.


Hmm so you're not a teenager having a teenage moment.


I think you will get someone once you start being more happy about yourself, i don't know how but guys have a radar pulling them towards confident people. So try working on that.


As for sharing things and telling everything...you can start an online journal thing. It helps to write things out.


Nope. no teenage moments...I guess now I am a WOMAN. Though, I still feel SO young! Which I am but anyhow! I just lost my father a month ago. My mommy passed away when I was twelve, I just really need and want someone. I am overall happy. Always smiles. I just crave someone

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Yeh its tough when it feels like you're all alone in the world, don't confuse your feelings of breavement/greif with a wanting of intimacy, it could lead to trouble and more confusion if the relationship doesn't work out. Do your friends know about your father? Hmm they should be putting a bit more effort in spending time with you.


Yeh you are still young and trust me there will be plenty of time for relationships and what not, right now you need to stay strong tho and be confident about yourself. The right guy will come along when the time is right, these things happen by themself.

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Yeh its tough when it feels like you're all alone in the world, don't confuse your feelings of breavement/greif with a wanting of intimacy, it could lead to trouble and more confusion if the relationship doesn't work out. Do your friends know about your father? Hmm they should be putting a bit more effort in spending time with you.


Yeh you are still young and trust me there will be plenty of time for relationships and what not, right now you need to stay strong tho and be confident about yourself. The right guy will come along when the time is right, these things happen by themself.


True. It just seems it will never happen

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Try to get busy in other things, like your job, watching some good movies, reading..hanging out with new people etc


Eventually you won't think about it too much and then out of nowhere it will happen. Like sometimes if you think about something too much, you kind of get obsessed with it and it starts controlling you.

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Very true.


Your feeling very alone right now and its almost natural to want to have someone in your life. Even with family and friends I feel like I'm the only one who cares about me, conditional love is not true love.


Id say get your life back in order what I mean that is get over what happened with your father, that happened over a month ago which is very recent and that is not an easy thing to pick up and move on with, take your time your a woman your designed to attract!.


Continue to take care of yourself and get things in your life organized. Meanwhile go out and meet people, make new friends, be focused on that for awhile.

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