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He's adctd 2 porn pls help!!


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I'll try to make this as short and str8 to the point as possible.

I am a 26 year old f who's been dating this guy for 2yrs now. Problem is my sex drive is higher than his and I think it's due to his satisfaction with internet porn. If I don't ask him for sex....which gets very frustrating I might add....we can go weeks without it, Ex: he hasn't touched me sexually in 6 days now! I know it's horrible to cheat, but is this serious enough to break up with him? Yes, I have talked with him about this all he does is hide it from me now, he used to be quite open about it. He watches it up to three times a day which is why he doesn't get horny...I'm so frustrated and running out of options...please help Oh and btw, I am a looker lol very pretty, I model from time 2 time so it's not me....I don't think

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Yes, in my opinion it's serious enough to break up with him. He's not fulfilling your needs! It's one thing if he wants to watch porn and still finds the time/energy to fulfill your needs as well... it's another if you have no sex life.


I broke up with my last bf for exactly this reason (although, porn was not involved - he just had a very, very low sex drive). Sorry... but better to say something and break up than stay and cheat or be miserably unfulfilled... Life is too short.

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Thank you for your opinions. I didn't say my looks to be conseited or anything like that, I jst put that out there cause I know it's the first thing that crosses people's minds.

@RedDress: thanks for ur advice, it's been a long time coming and I feel like that is what needs to be done it's just that......I love him.....truly love him so I try to talk with him about it u know suggest different things but after a weeks ir so it's back to the same things. Porn and his sastifaction and my lack of. When we dom have sex it's gr8 on both ends according to him.....he says he just doesn't want it to get old for us but it hurts me when I find out that he satisfied himself twice in one day and I'm goin weeks without it

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Sounds like a porn addict to me. (I'm one myself, and I've learned a lot about this kinda thing over the last few years.) He either needs to get help and get it under control, or you need to leave him. It will only get worse over time, and he will pay less and less attention to you. Just like addiction to alcohol or other drugs.

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Again, thanks for the opinoins. It's good to hear from someone who can admit they too deal with the same problem. It has now been 10 days and counting no intimacy! I will try and come up with another way to address the situation without him becoming angry or defensive. Any suggestions?

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