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Wrote him off and 2 days later he contacts me


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I was unceremoniously dumped (I think) without being told so a couple of weeks ago by a guy with trust/jealousy issues. I took a hint the last time I saw him and realized that if he was going to overreact, so be it. My birthday came and went and I said I'm done.


2 days later, I get friended. He had a private profile that he never told me about, and I always thought that it was shady and thought it was pretty rich that he was still keeping his options open while expecting me to limit mine. I suppose he didn't have anything to hide.


I accepted but now I'm not sure what to think. I have anxiety at the thought of even trying anything again with him. I'm not sure that's why he's contacted me but my gut says he's trying to see if I'm open.


I like him as a person, I just don't trust his overreaction anymore. It hurt my feelings quite a bit that he would walk out like that. Especially right before my birthday!


Anyway, just venting. And it goes to show that the dumper doesn't always have the final say either. You have to recognize your worth, and only take responsibility for what you did wrong because anything else is utter nonsense. I refuse to take responsibility for his overreaction and jealousy.


Btw, this was a fairly new thing that has been fairly spoiled with drama at this point.

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Yes, but he had a private profile that he never told you about, he bailed out right before your birthday, and with that said, do you trust him?


We didn't date that long. I was giving him a month to see if he friended me, then I was out. But he has friended me.


Not to make excuses about the birthday, but he got really jealous and felt like if I had been interested enough I wouldn't hae casually gone out with anyone else. We never had the exclusive talk because we were taking it slowly. His pride and feelings were pretty hurt cos I think he thought he liked me more than I did him.


Do I trust him? Not really. He seems overreactive.


I will say one thing. It does seem that when there are more intense feelings early on, something always seems to go wrong. People place too many expectations and that can really screw things up in a serious way. I think it did here.

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