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Stuck in a rut


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Does anybody ever feel like their lives are stuck in a rut?


Dont get me wrong in comparison to a lot of people I have a great life..a small but brilliant family, some lovely friends, I own my own apartment and have a good job.


I dont know though, the relationship area is my downfall in that im 31 and noot in one but would really like to be. I relaise there isn't too much that can be done about that though other than getting out and enjoying life and seeing what comes along.


Its not just that though, I see the same faces in work everyday, fairly smallish place. Then come home, I go to gym or exercise classes a couple of times a week which I quite enjoy. I have a smallish group of friends I go out with some weekends, if not I catch up on chores or see family. Whilst everyone is great I need some more excitement and new faces!!


I have been thinking about taking up new hobbies but there isnt anything that really jumps out at me that I want to do and I dont just want to do something for the sake of it if you know what i mean.


One thing I have wanted to do for a few years now it train to do medicine. I could do a graduate degree for 4 years but the problem is its really hard to get onto the course and I would be at least 32 before I start. Then when that finishes there is another couple of years of on the job training so I would be pushing 40 completing that and I really dont want to miss the boat with kids and family for the sake of a career. On the other hand if I could see into the future and I never met anyone to have kids with then I would desperately be wishing that I had a career like that to fall back on..argghhh....


I need someone to sort my head out, lol....any ideas for shaking life up a bit?!?

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This post could have written by me - I feel the same way these past few months, lol. I'm hoping to do some travelling some time this year (hopefully that will happen). I need some shaking up too and look forward to the responses and some answers, lol.


Hi Capricorn, I agree travelling would be good, even if it was just 3 or 4 weeks somewhere completely different so could get a taste of some new cultures and experiences. The problem for me is that my finances also need a bit of sorting out so that isnt going to be possible this year

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My finances are just "ok", not the best, but a budget has been put aside for travel this year and come hell or high water, I need to do something and see more of this great big world.


You are not alone Betty79 - this stuck in a rut feeling really sucks big time! I wish I had some constructive advice to give you, but I need some on this topic too, lol.

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My finances are just "ok", not the best, but a budget has been put aside for travel this year and come hell or high water, I need to do something and see more of this great big world.


You are not alone Betty79 - this stuck in a rut feeling really sucks big time! I wish I had some constructive advice to give you, but I need some on this topic too, lol.


Lets hope somebody else on here can offer us some words of wisdom, lol. Where are you planning on going travelling Cap? How long are you going for?

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I'll chime in. I've been in roughly the same place all my life. Have a decent income, plenty of material possessions, all my immediate needs are met, but I see the same places and faces too much, and it is starting to really wear on me. Many of my old high school friendships have gone stale (avg friendship lasts 10 years anyway) and my dating life is very slow...as if nearly everyone single in this area is the same, and most of the good ones are taken.

Also, being the third wheel or the only single person in a group makes going out on the weekends a tasteless proposition.


I think one strategy, is to go online and search for cities or areas of the country you'd like to live in. And then look at some job openings in those areas that you qualify for, paying special attention to the salary of course. Figure out what moving expenses would cost, and if anything you own of value could be liquidated in order to make up the difference.


You don't have to move to the other side of the world either, just far enough where opportunity knocks and there are new things to see and do. Staying within a day's drive of your hometown may make sense if you'd like to be visited by your hometown friends. I think a good first job in a new area would be one where you work with at least 10 other people. Who knows, they might be looking for a new face too, and you could network off of them.

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I think one strategy, is to go online and search for cities or areas of the country you'd like to live in. And then look at some job openings in those areas that you qualify for, paying special attention to the salary of course. Figure out what moving expenses would cost, and if anything you own of value could be liquidated in order to make up the difference.


Thanks Someday, I dont think its going to really be possible to move to another area. I have bought the apartment I am now living in so it would be a lot of hassle to rent that out and manage it while I was living away. I am only just getting it how I want it as well so I dont really want to up sticks and move somewhere else.


Before I bought the apartment I did move about 1.5 hours away from this area and started a new job there. It was fun and I made some new friends but I'm 31 now. I've done all the moving around and for the first time in my life I actually want to settle in one place (and where I'm living now is the biggest city in the region). I just want to shake things up a bit so I dont die of boredom while I do it!!!!

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