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Saw ex yesterday :(

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Passed my ex in the car yesterday. We both saw each other and he waved. It was a bit of a shock as havent seen him at all for 4 months although had a few texts from him. He is back in my mind again now and Im missing him.


Thing is a few hours after seeing him he text me and said "you should try a smile while driving x" I mean whats that all about...what a cheek...my self esteem was quite low when we split up as had been on a bit of a rollercoaster with him being so flakey and hot and cold and now this. Its 9 months later and I just cant seem to shake him off. I would really like to meet someone new as I know this would take my mind off him completely but I cant seem to do that either. Argghhh...

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You should replied back "you should try to stay focus on the road instead of checking me out".


Lol, thats a good one...wish i had thought of that at the time! I said "I had one until I saw you coming..only joking, but lets stop texting each other sarky comments please"


He text back sorry and that was it.


I wonder if that will be it now. Everytime I think its finally over he pops up or I hear from him again. I only told one of my friends that very day that I didnt think either of us would be in touch with each other again and then I go see him!!

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Passed my ex in the car yesterday. We both saw each other and he waved. It was a bit of a shock as havent seen him at all for 4 months........He is back in my mind again now and Im missing him.

Yeh, my ex brought her new BF to my place of work tonight....nice huh?

I would really like to meet someone new as I know this would take my mind off him completely but I cant seem to do that either. Argghhh...

You are not alone....and even though I know I have to be happy within myself, I'm ready now to meet someone new and really close the door on this horrible chapter....and I think someone else will be just the medicine to help with that*




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Lol, thats a good one...wish i had thought of that at the time! I said "I had one until I saw you coming..only joking, but lets stop texting each other sarky comments please"


He text back sorry and that was it.


I wonder if that will be it now. Everytime I think its finally over he pops up or I hear from him again. I only told one of my friends that very day that I didnt think either of us would be in touch with each other again and then I go see him!!


Ooh, not quite as good as the suggestion. Time and light humor are your friends! Use both of them!

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Ooh, not quite as good as the suggestion. Time and light humor are your friends! Use both of them!


Yeah I know the thing is I dont really want anymore light humour with this guy. Over the past few months he has text me some sarcastic comments and I have responded. I dont want to get myself into the position where we end up keeping in low contact with stuff like that. When it has happened in the past it means nothing to him but it always used to get my hopes up that something might happen between us again.


I am not interested in these comments he keeps making, although in the past I have responded with my own, which is why I now said to him lets stop it please. It might be different if he text something worthwhile or even attempted to make decent conversation or ask how i am but its always snipey little remarks and what for??? If I had text him the orginal suggestion about him checking me out he would have thought i was still keen or interested in talking which really with the way he is now im not.

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When it has happened in the past it means nothing to him but it always used to get my hopes up that something might happen between us again.

After I got dragged along for months....I'm glad you are aware of this...*



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Betty you asked if its finally over. Why don't you take control of the situation and execute it. Why put the decision in his hands?


How do I do that though? I kind of know inside that its finally over as he really is no good for me. It wasn't a long term relationship more of a few months but i fell for him quite quickly. I think he is a bit of a player though. I wouldnt want him back the way he is or was anyway. I dont really initiate contact with him anymore and have deleted him off fb.


How do I "execute" it though? I guess the only way is to not reply to him anymore? Thats the only thing I haven't really been able to master yet. Prob cos part of me still holds a flame for him.

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Betty if you been on ENA long enough you would know we would recommend NC. Yes that is correct, don't reply, don't contact the playa. Its a big step but you are a big girl you can handle it.


Yes I guess all these months I have thought that I have been doing NC I mean we have gone 2 or 3 months without saying anything to each other but as soon as he gets back in touch then even with the smallest thing I respond so guess i havent been doing all that great really and thats prob why I still feel how I do. I find it difficult to kill the hope it generates though.

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Yes I guess all these months I have thought that I have been doing NC I mean we have gone 2 or 3 months without saying anything to each other but as soon as he gets back in touch then even with the smallest thing I respond so guess i havent been doing all that great really and thats prob why I still feel how I do. I find it difficult to kill the hope it generates though.


You were doing NIC. As long as you keep the hope alive even the smallest amount you will not be able to let go. Delete him from FB, block him on everything...cell, chat, ect. Until you take this step you will be in bondage to him. If he wants you back he will find a way. Make him work for it at least then you will know he made an effort.

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