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I miss you more then anything on this earth,

I love you more then what love is worth.

I know your not around but your still in my heart,

Even if we are broken up we will never be apart.

Feeling you next to me again would make me cry,

But not like the tears that I shed when you said goodbye.

There are so many things that I need to say,

How I loved you before and even love you this day.

I still have your pictures hanging on the wall,

Still think and dream about you afterall.

I wonder if you will ever return,

Not forget about me and let everything burn.

Sometimes I have my up and down nights,

Sometimes I think about all of our fights.

Now that I have had time to see,

After everything that has went on with you is where I want to be.

Do you remember the times we laughed and would kiss,

The flame that is inside that feeling of eternal bliss.

Wishing for a moment with me and you,

Wishing for that time that it can come true.

Hoping we are wishing on the same brite star,

That even though were distant that our love is not to far.


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