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I am in week 7 of NC (4+years living together).


For the past week or so I keep having dreams about my ex. It could range from we are back in our old life, to we are friends, to we are at the same place but not talking, or he has a new gf with him.


It is such a mind-blow because in the dream I am so happy to see him again but then I wake up and realize he isn't really there...and it makes for a really hard morning. I cant stop the dreams.


Has anyone experienced this? What do you do? I feel like I am losing it today. Last nights dream was, well, a dream.

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I just happened to dream about my ex last nite. I remember a lot of detail about it. We were still sort of together in some sort of function. I left and expected her to follow. Waited for her but realized I never told her exact details to leave with me. Run back to the function to see her with a bunch of guys. The guys did leave when I arrived and I was happy to see her but then the realization somehow hit that we are no longer 'together'. Felt like a punch to the gut. Then I woke up.


I don't dream a whole lot about the ex. When I do, I try to write it down immediately after I wake up. Then I try to make sense of it. As hard and confusing as it may seem, they're our own thoughts. Yes, we thought that... perhaps subconsciously. So what are we trying to say to ourselves?

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