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Most helpful/inspirational things said to you after a break-up

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  • 4 weeks later...

I spent New Year's holiday away at a house with a group of friends who are all married/in couples/with babies/pregnant, and another single woman (a free-spirited sort of party girl) joined us for one night and I was telling her about my breakup and she said to me:


"You know, you and I are going to get to fall in love with someone again. None of these others will get to do that. They're in a different phase now. But you and I are going to get to experience again that total butterfly period, the head-over-heels period, the sex 10-times-a-day period. Isn't that something to look forward to?"


And although I know that this is not what love is all about, and I would obviously rather have comfortably-in-love-after-years with my ex, I found this cheering!

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  • 5 months later...

"There’s a purpose to every failed relationship. The purpose is not to lower your expectations, but to raise your standards. Remember, you don’t want someone who chooses you solely for what’s good about you. You need someone who sees the bad too, and still appreciates you just the way you are."


"It hurts like hell now, but remember that you will be okay." (said with full confidence)


"This experience will help you make the next relationship even better and stronger and you've just increased your probability of finding the love you deserve."

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"Rome wasn't built in a day lady. Be easy on yourself. And think how alone and heart broken you felt months ago, how you didn't think you would make it. But you did. You are growing stronger every day and while he takes the easy way out you are doing hard life changing work. And I am proud of you for making the decisions you've made. It hasn't been easy but I don't think you realize just how strong you are and you don't give yourself enough credit for how far you have come. I promise you that one day you will look back on this with pride and smile on your face, because you did the right thing and at the end of the day that is what matters." - One of the kindest souls on the planet


" You do know that there is someone out there that won't treat you like that, right? You do know that?" - A great friend reminding me what I went through isn't how love works


" Sometimes the only way you can rebuild yourself is by being broken. It hurts like hell. But it is the only way to make a fresh start when the past is too broken to fix you are forced to build something new. Look at this as a favor and go do the things you have always wanted. If it is meant to be it will be. Nothing you will say or do will change that. He needs to find himself and he can't do that with you here. So go, move, go to Europe, get a great job, be the dynamic young woman I raised you to be. Home will always be here, he will always be here, what you can change is where you are and what you want and now is the greatest time as ever. I love you and will always be proud of you but this is your time. God is answering those prayers. Those nagging thoughts you always had about "____" not being right for you, not wanting to travel, not letting you experience life, those are all gone now so honor God's gift to you and do the things you have always wanted, so that way when you lay your head down at night whether you are alone or with someone else, you can truly feel happy with YOUR life."- My mother at 3AM when I was sobbing.

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  • 1 year later...

Had to bump this amazing thread!


I have been told a few gems that have helped me.


The most recent was when I was explaining to my little girl that I was sad (she knows why) and that it was ok to be sad when u missed someone and I wasn't going to be like this forever. And she she said 'but mommy you need to stop thinking about it and do what you gotta do' SHES 6!!!


Anyway, It was helpful to me to be told by practically everyone that 'if he cant make it with you, he cant make it with anyone. This is about him. You cant take this personally, if it wasn't you he met 2 and a half years ago, it would have been someone else going through what youre going through now'

His family has even said this to me.

This really has helped me because my self esteem really took a nose dive and I was all about 'what did I do, why wasn't I worthy!!' yeah those horrible thoughts!'

and one of my friends, a very no nonsense Scot, said 'he should be wrapped in yellow tape! Do not cross - all women beware!!' LMAO. and we do need to laugh.

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I would say the Twilight Zone episode Walking Distance helped me the most. There was a scene where the protagonist Martin meets his father in the past, the twist is that Martin somehow goes back in time to relive his childhood. The dialogue goes as so:


Father: "Martin, you can't live here. There is no room. Do you understand that?"


Martin: "I see that now, but I don't understand. Why not?"


Father: "I guess it is because there is only one ticket for every customer. The boy I know, the one that lives here. This is his summer, just as it was yours once. Don't make him share it."


Martin: "All right."


Father: "Is it so bad where you're from?"


Martin: "I thought so, pop. I was living in a dead run and I was tired. I had to come back here. To smell the cotten candy, ride Merry-Go-Rounds, and listen to band concerts."


Father: "I guess we all want that. When you go back, Martin, you may find there are Merry-Go-Rounds and band concerts where you are. Maybe you have not been looking in the right place. You have been looking behind you, martin. Try looking ahead."


Martin: "Maybe."


This segment taught me that you need to let go because you cannot live in the past. There will be better times and there will be worse times, but there is nothing in the past for you to return to. Possibly the most mature viewpoint of moving on I have ever seen on television.

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Love this one :


"Assuming you were in a fairly fulfilling relationship that lasted more than just a few months (otherwise you wouldn't care about getting over them), you need to lose the assumption that you will be able to completely get over them. You never will. The time that you spent with them contributed to who you are today and you should never be ashamed of that. What you will do is learn to live with the idea that what you had was great while it lasted but now it is time to move on. Like a day at Disneyland, it was fun and you wish you didn't have to leave but the reality is, you were not able to stay. So you walk out those gates with a smile on your face and the knowledge that one day, you'll return again. It may not be the same place, but you know what you are looking for and you won't settle for anything less. Yes it will hurt and you will want that to end. It will. But, as cheesy as it sounds, the pain is the proof that what you had was worth it. If it didn't hurt, the relationship would not have been good enough. It's the price we pay. So, remember the good times and smile. Reflect on the bad and think of what you'll do different next time. Then take a walk and get some sun. Read some poetry or write some of your own. When the thoughts come back embrace them, cry and start the process over. Every time you do this the pain will lessen until you realise that, while you will not get over them, you will be ok. You'll realise that you are strong, important and worth it."

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