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the girl u love just broke ur heart!

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well i have been seeing my ex-girlfriend of almost 2 years again. we have had some troubles in the past, but things have got got better but i think they are going down hill again . anywayz after 3 months without seeing her and about a month of no contact becoz i avoided her for 1 month then she came crawling back becoz she said she missed me. well i saw her the other day as i said after 3 months and we just spent the day catching up, watching tv, a lil kiss here and there. She has told me she still loves me so much and wants to get back together again. she told me she would ask me out this time but didnt on this day, but she did say she would consider it next time she see's me. anywayz she was going to her friends birthday party that nite and so it was time for me to head back home. the next day her friend (the 1 who had the birthday) told me that my ex-girl had been flirting with one of her friends there all nite. she confronted her telling her that she knows she shouldnt be doing this because she is kinda involved with me still. she even told the guy the same thing. later that nite she saw him and my ex-girl make out. now even her friends are not very happy with her as me and my ex-girl were just gettin back on track 2 start a new relationship.

her friend said not to tell her that she had told me and that i knew...becoz this could end the friendship with both of her friends that were involved one being a guy and the other my ex-girlfriend who i must say i extremely love with all my heart! yet she tells me the same thing and goes on a does this??


what can i do? does anyone have any advice? i dont think my trust with her is back yet, but i di care for her very much! i spoke to her 2nite about it and asked her about the party and even asked her with little hints like "did any guys try hit on you" she was being sarcastic and said all of them and hooked up with 8! i just laughed and she continued like i didnt know.


im so confused! she still tells me she loves me! and i love her so much! but this is so unfair on me! she basically cheated on me! again...

if she does ask me out next time, what should i say? i know i wanna say yes becoz i really really want her as my girlfriend again. but i dont know what the consiquences if any, will be in the future!


please help me! thanx alot u guys!

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Hi Ernie,


It will be difficult to remain in a relationship with her if you haven't yet regained your trust in her. She did hide the fact that she flirted with another guy at your friend's party, so that proves that she doesn't love you. When she calls, tell her how you feel about not being able to trust her completely. You're right, it is unfair that she did that, which is why the answer should be no... the consequences will be worse if you continue to worry about her cheating on you.


It takes time to heal a physical wound... it also takes time to heal the broken heart. Take care.

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