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Can't walk and ears ringing bad after sex

snarky cat

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So my husband and I had sex like 3 hours ago. I still can't walk and I'm getting worried. I've had that happen before but only for a few minutes like 20. It's hours now and I can't stand without falling.


My ears were ringing for like an hour too.


Is this a problem? How long is too long to have my legs not work?

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Sounds like an inner ear problem; I'd get to a doctor though.

I've had something similar where I couldn't stand properly after sex but I put that down to massive amounts of adrenaline and then my muscles being abnormally relaxed. I never had ringing ears and I was more shaky than incapable of standing. I wasn't worried about it and it also wore off after about ten minutes or so.

I really would seek medical attention.

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Your husband must be proud of himself. LOL

Seriously it could be a symptom of a more serious conditon. If you excersise does it happen then? If so it may be something.

I have had great sex before and my legs were weak later but never that long. The ringing in the ears is kinds strange though.



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