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Looks...What women look for in men.

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Look i just read two post asking what guys like in women now heres the same question but for ladies.. What do you like in guys, I just don't mean looks i am talking the whole thing, pesonality, family, and all that stuff. Please answer so we men can understand.



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Do you really think you're gonna get a truthful answer on this one?? I mean honestly. Every woman will tell you what she wants in a man to the T, yet we all know her words mean very little because her actions dont back it up. Be prepared for a lot of B.S. answers on this thread.

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xxatti, ding ding ding we have a winner. Women have no idea what they want. Which helps to explain why the continue time after time to date bad boys. Yet they go on and on how they need and want a nice guy. Take what women say, flip it around till it makes no sense what so ever and maybe that is what they want.

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Well i guess someone should reply to you lol

I have a long term boyfriend of 7 years so i guess what he is , is basically wat i want/ need.. But no one is perfect lol and there is stuff about him i dont like and stuff i totally love

I think we all have basically the same needs be a girl or guy

Someone who we are comfortable with, someone who respects us and cares about us, Someone we can talk to .. not nessicerily about anything tho lol, someone who makes us smile and laugh.

So i guess a girls ideal man would be able to make us feel safe, make us smile and laugh.. be kind and gentle, willing to give us the space we need to be ourselves, oh and one thing that i totally love about a guy.. whether it be a boyfriend or jus a friend.. is the way he loves his family, hes gotta have good morals and family ideals.. like love his mum lol,, and his siblings.. cos thats really sweet.. and not be afraid to show emotoin, not all the time of course, but when its needed.. hope that helped u lol

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ok think about everything you want in a women, all the dirty things your want her to do to you and al the nice thing you think you need. Now think about why. OK they want exactly the same thing, for the same reasons but they dont seem to know it while there awake, its a subconscience thought pattern. also society trains us to think that all women need to be uptight prudes who are only going t have sex when there married, not true, men can have sex at anytime and so can woemn, thts life, deal with it. They let there emotions get to involved and start make hasty descisions based on these emotions, ever get mad and want to kill someone, ya same thing but more often and with less control. They seem crazy and with good reason they are pretty close to being just that. you will never get the answer you thought you would out of one either they are irrational, its jsut in their being. Once you think you have them figured out, they change(emotions)and your back to square one. teh most importan thing to remember is be yourself, eventually youll find one that likes you for who you are and that one will start o care for you and stop being so insane about things. until then keep your head up, shes out there jsut waiting for you, but youll only know she is the one when she lets you know. they are in control but only because we as men cant figure them out. Its been thousands of years since man and women walked the earth, we as men probly kno less now then ever before about women. I wish you luck for you will need it. also remember this: if she tell our now there is another women aout there that will tell you yes, so keep talking to them eventually youll get the ansewr you want and/or deserve.

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Well, I can tell you I wouldn't want a guy who had the preconceived notions and narrow views about women expressed in some of these posts. Women are not dumb objects with incoherent minds, which is what one or two of these posts suggested.


I just started seeing a fabulous guy who has a bunch of qualities I find attractive in a man: very quick witted & funny, courteous and mannerly yet frisky and affectionate at the same time, very well-rounded and knowledgeable - knows a lot about different countries, books, music, has traveled extensively but doesn't brag about it - he genuinely just likes to travel to offbeat places as opposed to racking up a bunch of foreigh countries he can say he visited - says just the right mix of compliments and wisecracks - in short, I'm laughing around him more often or not.


Physically, he's very attractive too - but only acts like he's 50% aware he's attractive, if that makes sense. He's tall - 6"1, and lean, and I am not making this up: he looks like Leonardo DiCaprio. I know, here come the jokes...and I don't blame you!....but as luck would have it, he really does resemble him, it's weird.


But it's his killer personality that give me butterflies when I see his number on caller ID!

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As a bonus yes, he's good looking. But as I mentioned in my post, it's his amazing personality that makes me really sit up and take notice of him.


Riiiight... Well Im sure that plays a part too. I just couldnt help myself when you said all these great things about him and then just HAD to throw in the fact that he looked like Leonardo Dicaprio. As if you needed to bragg.


BTW Im just messing with you really. Im sure you're not that shallow. Cant say the same for most of us guys.

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I believe women love a man with balance. A man who is confident in his decisions and confident when he believes in something and won't back down. Also knows when to back down and show affection.


All about the balance.


Nothing to do with Nice Guy or Jerk. Neither of those win in the long run.


I constantly hear talk from women about how they hate jerks but yet are continually dating them.


The couples who I see are in healthy relationships maintain a balance of being a jerk and being a nice guy. The inbetween guy so to speak.

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Ok, didn't see your second post. I'm not shallow, my last boyfriend looked like Grizzly Adams, practically. And I wouldn't say I'm bragging about this latest guy - just sharing my delight with others! I deserve it, I've had a crappy dating life the last year.

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Michael, couldn't have said it any better myself, although I'd add that ideally there would be balances in every aspect of the guy's personality - he can cut up and be the clown, but not all the time, he can be sensitive and romantic but not all the time or it gets smothering...you get the idea. I would think guys would want this same balance in the women they date as well, I don't know why this has to be a gender-specific thing.

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I believe women love a man with balance. A man who is confident in his decisions and confident when he believes in something and won't back down. Also knows when to back down and show affection.


All about the balance.


Nothing to do with Nice Guy or Jerk. Neither of those win in the long run.


I constantly hear talk from women about how they hate jerks but yet are continually dating them.


The couples who I see are in healthy relationships maintain a balance of being a jerk and being a nice guy. The inbetween guy so to speak.


The reality is that only a small percentage of the male population can embody this type of "balance" as you put it. thereforeeee, these guys get all the girls and the rest of the people come to forums like this to b*tch and complain about why women arent attracted to them.

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I believe women love a man with balance. A man who is confident in his decisions and confident when he believes in something and won't back down. Also knows when to back down and show affection.


All about the balance.


Nothing to do with Nice Guy or Jerk. Neither of those win in the long run.


I constantly hear talk from women about how they hate jerks but yet are continually dating them.


The couples who I see are in healthy relationships maintain a balance of being a jerk and being a nice guy. The inbetween guy so to speak.


The reality is that only a small percentage of the male population can embody this type of "balance" as you put it. thereforeeee, these guys get all the girls and the rest of the people come to forums like this to b*tch and complain about why women arent attracted to them.


well make yourself this kind of man too. there's also a very small percentage of women that men would find perfect as well.


it's not about being a jerk. it's just that the "jerks" that these girls seem to go out with are just confident and aren't push overs, like the usual "nice guys".


a guy who is confident, believes in himself, and doesn't let himself get trampled on, yet maintains a side to him that's capable of being nice is what i've found most girls/women want.


i used to be a pushover when i was a younger teenager, and i found it hard to attract a girl. i didn't understand, cause i was smart, funny and nice, and i was good looking. and i saw that a lot of girls were going out with jerks, so i was just thinking "how could girls be so stupid? i'd obviously treat them with more respect, etc..." but i also noticed some nice guys that also kind of had an "alpha male" thing going as well that got girls as well. you'll also see a lot of jerks who are also pushovers, and girls just don't go anywhere near them.


anyway, later in life, i managed to put on the confident/slightly cocky attitude on (without being arrogant), and i've been getting a lot more success with attracting girls these past few years.

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as from some of the other replys have said wonen have no freakin clue wut they want as long as there attractid to that person who cares ur not gonna get a truthful answer on this one... i dont kno wut erry1 else thinks but wut i look for in a man is... he has to be cute.. a gentelman on ocasions.. he has to be romantic... not to romantic but u mean im expecring roses sumtimes...he has to be able to make me laugh.. he has to get along wit my family as well as sum of my friends... he has to respect me.. me as well as my mind body and soul... hes got to just be an over all great person orr screw him... thats wut i think

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I'm 6'1, and must radiate somthing. I have decent dress sense (i have been told) and am well built, and I dont think i'm too harsh on the eye.


Mostly, the only people attracted to me are gay people. Which, while flattering, isn't really much help.


WOMEN DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. Be yourself dude, and that's probebly more attractive than any show you can put on.

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I'm 6'1, and must radiate somthing. I have decent dress sense (i have been told) and am well built, and I dont think i'm too harsh on the eye.


Mostly, the only people attracted to me are gay people. Which, while flattering, isn't really much help.


WOMEN DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY WANT. Be yourself dude, and that's probebly more attractive than any show you can put on.


lol , i've had the same problem. I've had gays interested in me, and i've had girls think im gay before. I take it as a compliment as the stereotypical gay is a good looking fella.

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I like a man who is confident, funny and compassionate. His looks matter only to the degree that I have to be attracted to him. I've gone out with guys that looked like models and with regular Joes'. It comes down to their substance and how they make me feel.


You're probably not going to get a concrete answer because we are all attracted to different things depending on our age and state of mind.

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