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Hey what up this is my first post here. Well, heres my story. Several days ago, 3 to be exact, my boyfriend of 1 year and 9 months dumped me. This event ws caused by a fight that we had. We were arguing about his behavior and mine towards one another, and I flipped out after half an hour and punched him in the head. I immediately burst into hysterical tears over what I had just done. I have never felt so horrible in all my life.



I am incredibly sorry and I don't know what came over me that caused me to do that to him. I do love him with all my heart and he knows it. Well, he avoided me for two days, and today he is finally talking to me. I have told him I am sorry so many times I can't count them. I have called him, instant messaged him, talked to him in the hall and had his friend talk to me. I am so sorry. He knows that and he knows that I love him. He says its over now, and that he doesn't love me.



No one else really seems to believe that either. I don't think thats possible. Please note that he is 16, and rather immature. Hes never really sure of what he feels. He is always uncertain. The day before the fight he loved me, even that day he told me he did. Its not possible for him to have such a drastic change in his feelings. I think that he is just incredibly angry at me, and I understand that. He thinks these feelings are permanent, but how can he know, when it has only been five days and he is still blinded by his anger?



He won't even listen to his friend's reasoning. I need him and I love him, and I don't want to lose him. We are now "just friends", I guess, but he is still mad at me. I lost my virginity to him and I love him so much. He says he doesn't want to be with me, but I can't help but think he is doing this because he is mad now, but this anger will pass. I told him that I will be there for him, and that he is like my best friend and I don't want to lose him.



Also, today, I said to him we should have sexual relations of some sort. I want to and he is a teenage boy, so that usually means he wants to. I have been advised to do this by a male friend of mine, who says thats how his girlfriend won him back. I'm hoping that this will make him realize his feelings for me, because I know they are there. The question is, how do I get intimate with him?



I've asked him to hang out this weekend, which is his birthday. Then would be a good time to try. I just don't want to push it too soon. He agreed to it though, I just don't want to move to fast. I just want to remind him of all that we have together and what he means to me. Any advice will be great.

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Hi Mephesto,


I think that physical blow to his head really took him by surprise. He did not see that coming and it just shook him up in every possible way.


Give him some time to chill off. There's no use in trying to get him back or impress him now when the wounds are still fresh, emotionally. In the meantime, you can use the time to review your relationship and weigh out the pros and cons. Many people rush back into a relationship without thinking about the minuses which set them apart in the first place.


Be cool and I hope things work out for you, with or without him.

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when ur with him, tell him how much he means to you and how much you care, and dont let him break eye contact because that means hes hiding something or hes hiding from your feelings and not listening.


I have the same problem, im madly in love with ex that i was with 4 2 years and he broke up with me because he didnt feel as though he loved me enough and now were friends and iv asked him if he would think about trying again in the future and he replied with it might well happen in a few years time. but i understand how you feel you want him now and forever but i understand now that nothing can last forever especially when your at this age.


I hope everything works out for you, i really do. at least someone will be happy.


Im happy that im friends with my ex because who knows it could lead on to a better relationship in a few years time and it will hold us stronger together.


If he wants to be friends now dont ever think that it wont happen again,because people change in the future and he just might well regret what he has done.


Yes hes immature at 16 but werent we all?

didnt we all do stupid things at that age, i know i did.

i broke up with someone who i cared for and who cared for me when i just turned 16 because one of his mates told me that he was making passes at other women and it turned out to be a lie and i lost him forever because hes now engaged and he still dont forgive me or humiliating him. But i thanked him for letting me find the man of my dreams and now hes gone so nobody wins in this big game called life.


Hope your ok and hope everything will be ok.


Let us know how you get on


Nat xxx

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I don't think yu should settle for just sex with him. This may have won your friend over but It doesnt usually work that way.


Usually what happens is that the girl satys in love with the boy and the boy uses the girl for sex but stops being interested in her personality. Not a fun situation.


Let him calm down for a while and leave him alone for a bit. He should start to miss you and come back, if he loves you.

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Yeah, don't do the being intimate without a relationship thing. It won't help to bring him back. All its going to do is hurt you like you won't believe. I don't know if I can offer advice about your ex, physical violence is a big.. warning sign for most people, I had an ex way back I was 16-19 that would in the end sometimes threaten me or push me and whatnot.. and I know that I'd never trust him again at this point. It made me feel awful because I felt like he didn't care about my well being. I'm sure you probably didn't mean to do what you did but if you were that angry with him its probably not a good sign.. I don't know what to say. What was making you so angry that you did that? I guess just give him time to cool off.. but really think about why do you want to be with him again if he was making you that angry that you'd do such a thing? Being in a relationship filled with that much anger is no fun, take it from me whos been there before (worst 3 years and 3 months of my life).

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