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Did my ex make "her" up? Does she even exist?

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My ex broke it off with me many months ago. By the end of the breakup, he started to get fed up with me. He told me he was starting to see someone new, and that's when I finally left him alone.

When I asked, he could answer:

-Her name

-Her age

-Where she works



Sometimes when I would contact him, he would say he was out with her at the mall or having lunch etc. or will be going out with her.

He even said she invited him to her work party.

There was this one time when I asked him to call me around 10pm (after his date with her). He called but hung up right away. I kept trying to contact him, but he would avoid my calls. He eventually called around 1am. I asked where he was..."I was at her house"...."doing what?"..."nothing."

It shattered my heart hearing these things. I asked if she was his girlfriend..."No...not yet".

When I asked how old she was, he replied "2 years older..". I was kinda surprised, "really? wow..". He got really defensive and said "you make her sound like she's so old"


After the "I'm at her house" incident, I finally stop contacting him. After 2 months, he contacted me asking how I've been.

We are starting to talk more frequently, and may lead to getting back together...but I really wonder about this girl...

-There was no sign of her on facebook

-He doesn't seem to be dating her now. When I asked about his life, he replies "School. Work. Go home..my life is boring"

-He hung out with me privately recently.I don't think his "girl" will accept that


Do you think I should ask him about her?

It seems too elaborate to be a lie...


There are 3 theories:

-She never existed, and said it to hurt me

-She exists, but they never dated...she was never interested

-They dated and are now broken up


I am 90% sure he isn't seeing anyone now. I don't know what to think of this. Thoughts? Should I ask?

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Do you think I should ask him about her?

It seems too elaborate to be a lie...


There are 3 theories:

-She never existed, and said it to hurt me

-She exists, but they never dated...she was never interested

-They dated and are now broken up


I am 90% sure he isn't seeing anyone now. I don't know what to think of this. Thoughts? Should I ask?


Man, this is reminding me of a relationship I had a long time ago. She broke up with me, but it was one of those "maybe it will work in the future" things, and I started dating someone else when she went out of the country. When she came back, she decided she loved me again, and wanted to marry me. She found out about the new girl, and said, "it's me or her." I ended up choosing her. Weeks later, I remember she said something like, "you two never even dated. I doubt she even liked you like that." (kind of like your number 3 there.) I didn't say much of anything in reply because it would only get me in trouble. In truth, the new girl was crazy about me, and cried to me when I told her that I couldn't see her anymore.


What I think is that, whether this lady is real, imaginary, or just misrepresented, it's serving its purpose. He's got you dedicating threads about her to strangers on the interwebs.

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people actually make stuff up to hurt their ex?


oh, you have so much to learn.


here are a few of the things my ex did to hurt me (even though he broke up with me) i.e. trying to make me jealous:


-commenting on girls fb pictures (similar comments that were left on my pictures while we were together)

- suddenly increasing fb activity and going on facebook to talk to female friends (who I know were never more then anything but friends LOL)

-changing his msn status to say "I love you ______" the name being a childhood friend


how do i know he did this all just to make me jealous? Well once I deactivated my facebook and stopped going on msn as often (and when I did I appeared offline). All of these activites suddenly stopped...shows that even the dumper gets affected by breaking up...but then why break up in the first place, it's beyond me lol

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