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Hey guys let me know your thoughts on this.


Ive been dating this girl for a little while now, we've seen each other 8 times, and have spent the last 3 day together. It was her birthday yesterday. When I left her house at around 11:45pm on tuesday, so I decided to text her:


-at midnight "happy birthday xxo"


-she replied with and inside joke calling me a "nerd"


-Me: "why?"


-Her: "because it's funny"


-Me: Goodnight


-Her: You too XXX


She never actually said thank you. Then yesterday I got her a small gift nothing crazy, some of her favorite chocolate a small tea pot and some loose tea. We both got to her house around 3am, we were out all night with her friend and mine, celebrating her birthday, and I would say she was pretty tipsy. So when we got back to her place I gave her the gift.


She Said: "Thats nice of you" and then she said "its funny"


Me: What's Funny?


Her: Im the type of person when I give a gift I dont even wrap it and you wrapped it all nice.


Me: Im just like that I guess


But once again no thank you, am I reading into this too much, she's a great girl from what I can tell so far. Just not used to the not saying thank you thing. Is that normal or weird?

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I don't know... if being appreciated is important to you then it could become a big deal later on. Some people just don't express thanks in the same way. Just like everyone shows love and affection differently everyone has their own way of showing appreciation.


I would suggest maybe thanking her for things that she does so maybe she will see that you are that type of person. It's still early and you guys a re still learning about each other so maybe this is one of the things she will need to learn about you.

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That seems a bit weird to me, but I'm British and was brought up to say thank you to pretty much anything; being passed a pen, a door held open for me, so saying it when receiving a gift is a reaction I don't even think about.

Perhaps she wasn't brought up to say it, ingrained habits like manners come from your parents and how they bring you up and if she wasn't brought up to say her pleases and thank-yous it may not even occur to her the same way it would a kid whose parents would always remind you to say thank you.

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