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Relationships, and the point is?

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I'm really starting to wonder about the point of relationships. I mean, I can see the point in going out with people you enjoy the company of and find attractive and overalll just like, but to me the only person you could really go out on a realtionship is someone who you absolutely love, why just kid yourself by continuing a relationship that you know is eventually going to just break up? I don't know, it seems like a lot of people i know are just going out for the hell of it and then are really distraught when they break up. I'm a little confused. Can someone explain this to me?

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Although it may sometimes seem like many only date for fun, it really isn't the case. Afterall no one likes actually ending a relationship. I guess it's because we all secretly hope to find that one person we'll love forever. Don't get me wrong, there a few exceptions but as you get older you look further ahead and date people you can see yourself with in the long run.


Also keep in mind that a third person ponit of view on a relationship will always be different than those IN the relationship. So when you see lovers heading towards the DEAD END, they may not even be realizing it themselves.

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If you didn't have the whole boyfriend/girlfriend gossip or the whole ordeal going on....wouldn't life get pretty lame? I mean, yeah, some relationships have no point it's so one person can get enough courage to ask the other out, they say yes and then a few days later the other one ends it, just to add drama to life. It makes the world go around, add fun to life. Sometimes if it wasn't for relationships...alot of us wouldn't grow or be stronger. *You have to have faith that there is a reason you go through certain things. I can't say I'm glad to go through pain, but in a way one must in order to gain courage and really feel joy.*-Carol Burnett



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I think its cause people like to experience new things. We want to see what its like to be with people, even if we know its not the one. And sometimes our minds change about people when we learn more about them. Its human nature, always has been, always will be. One of those things we just cant change.

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