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Ex has so much anger towards me.


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I have not been contacting her lately...it's always her contacting me and whenever she does it's always just her pissed off at me...this girl holds a lot of anger towards me...now one of the things that was wrong was...i had a myspace and i had tons upon tons of "Fake looking girls" as friends. Blond, tanned you get the idea...and this always made her think i just like fake looking girls like that. She always felt really * * * * ty about it but i never did anything about it until she broke up with me. at that point i went through and deleted all of them....i get a text tonight saying I'm a liar and i never did...because "I missed a few".....heres a bit of a fb conversation after that.



i have anger with you

what kind of a bf was that, really....


You're mean all the time to me still though when we're broken up...


i wont talk to u again then

ur not in control of me

so i wont be talking to you


i want a bf who treats me like a girlfriend. not a friends with benefits that is mean to u. kinda sad i dont get to experience how it is for most other girls.


Can't you forgive me and see what i did do good?


i do forgive u and realize u are sorry i dont think u are a mean person i just dont know why u would let it happen to me.


And then she had to leave soon after. Have any other girls that dumped there boyfriends been in similar situations of feeling a lot of anger towards your ex's? and did it ever fade away? why would she still be going on my myspace looking to see if i actually deleted all of these people....why does she still care about that when she broke up with me....does this show that maybe she does still care a bit? She just has this wall up so big from me it seems like it will never come down and I'm not even the one contacting her...

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In simple terms one could say she can't take responsibility of her own life and actions which is still understandable at a young age. On the other hand maybe she was just the one to pull the plug, doesn't mean she REALLY wanted to breakup. I left my ex because he had become neglectful towards the relationship, not because I was bored of him or had found anyone else. So in a way I felt like the dumper and the dumpee at the same time. I had a lot of resentment and he understood why, he had been very passive. To women passive means not interested, I'm not special enough. The fact that after the breakup he seemed to be fixing all the stuff that bugged me pissed me off even more like he was rubbing it in..like I wasn't worth the efforts while we were still together. I don't know if she feels that way exactly I'm just giving you a perspective here that might be relevant. I don't know what you can do because she needs to get over this stage to appreciate you and she also needs to realise her own insecurities. That stuff takes time.

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Well quirky you pretty much nailed it on the head because she said she does feel pissed off I am trying to do everything right now and always brings up...why the hell wasn't i worth it before...but why is it so hard to see that we realize our mistakes we made and we are being nice to better ourselves for ourselves and the relationship. I think i'd see that as a wonderful thing if someone ever tried to change everything and actually did it. I'd see the effort, not just call it fake and say they're doing it just to get back with me...it's all pretty hurtful to hear. I have not initiated any contact i just don't want to ignore her and want her to stop being mean to me...

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