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HELP! I want to go out with a girl that im been friends with

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I want to go out with a girl that im been friends with 4 a while now but i dont this she finds me attractive. I've never had a girlfriend its not that im ugly it just im negitive too much and i need to work shes going out with some1 right now no afence to her but i want to see how long this one lasts but when they do break up i want to ask her out but how do i and by the way im 14. PLEASE HELP~!

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This is crazy... it's almost like exactly my situation, only you're the guy.


I'd see how she feels first (after she breaks up with her boyfriend, of course), and if she says that she doesn't want to go out with you, then don't push it. You don't want to make too big of a deal out of it and ruin a perfectly good friendship.

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I know it doesnt help to tell you that I have been where you are and it sucks. But I have, and its hard to get over the "friend" factor. I think if you are serious about pursueing a relationship with her, you need to do something soon. I dont mean to sound heartless at all, but the better friends you become with her, the less of a chance you will have for a relationship with her.


However, she is going out with someone. So afterwards you are going to have to be supportive. Try to be her shoulder to cry on. Even if she isn't too heartbroken over it, just be there for her. Then when you find the right moment, ask her if she wants to go do something sometime, a movie or lunch. Then just work your way into a relationship.

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