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Well, this woman has been away for quite sometime due to reasons beyond her control, so we haven't been in contact since July. We've emailed each on occasion and met through my best friend. My life has been going along as it should, and I haven't been waiting for her. Well, lately, she's been in touch with my best friend asking questions about me like if I cheat, am I a dreamer, what was my ex wife like, etc. Since she will be back soon, she wants to chat with me via messenger. The way she's going about this tells me that she's never pursued a man in her life and has only been pursued. Anyway, she wants to know whether or not we'll date or be friends pretty much as soon as she comes back. Feels kind of pressed to me. How do you feel I should handle this? You can only learn so much about people that way, and that's definitely something I feel shouldn't be judged in that manner. I'd like to spend more than 2 sessions and 0 phone calls with her before she judges me. Not hanging at the edge of a cliff over it.

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Thanks! I'll be direct with her explaining that and the fact of needing to at least some type of time together. I don't want this whole thing to turn out like flipping a coin. Dinner and a movie is the plan. When it comes to it, we'll see where it goes.

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