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so last weekend i met with her after 3 weeks of no contact after she broke up with me. We talked about what we had been up to but she was acting really regretful the entire time and really flirty with me but then she would say i dont want to lead you and give u the wrong impression. this really confused me and then we ended up kissing for like 10 minutes n after i said goodbye and left. she cried when i did and she told me that night she cried too. Then this paqst week we have been talking on and off online and texting maybe once a day. she always says how bored she is now and says she stills wants to hang out in the future. now today she randomly called me just to tell me something for a minute then she said thats all and bye. im relle confused and i even txted her before but she was acting like she was busy and ignoring me by not making sense. im so confused on what to do because i still love this girl so much and i know i cant be with her right now but i just dont get her signals. she says that part of her has feelings for me but then sometimes she doesnt so what the hell does that mean i just dont know how to handle this is she just using me to talk to me when she wants to? any thoughts or ideas?

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so recently i have talked to her a couple times but she is acting really different and its almost like shes doing it purposely. and is it a bad sign if she doesnt contact me again for awhile cause i want to talk to her but she doesnt initiate it like she was doing last week im so confused and in need of some advice?

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It sucks but right now you're just a habit she's starting to break. She's made the decision that she doesn't want to be with you... but she's used to having you around so it's taking some time to break contact completely.


But she's made her choice and now you get to make yours: you can hang around soaking up these token gestures or you can figure that you deserve a real, warm, loving relationship with someone who's in it 100%. I hope you find it.

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