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I feel deceived, and I'm in pain I don't know what to do


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I don't know if any of you guys remember my shy guy story.......


after all of that slow-flirting and conversation and that 'slowly get to know him, initiate conversation' and 'try not to scare him away' and 'let him know you're into him a little' jazz, I find out through Facebook that he is newly in a relationship.


Well, I threw up a bit in my mouth.


Do you know what he's said to me 3 nights before? He told me I was sweet and that he only comes to class just to see me. Yes this is the incredibly shy guy we're talking.


He better start making more friends now, because I'm stuck with him for next 4 years and I don't know if we'll ever be back to normal again.


I hate med school.

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Sometimes it is very hard to distinguish a shy guy from someone who is only pretending to be shy in order to play you. These are often the so-called "nice guys"..the ones who pretend to be shy to portray themselves as "nice" rather than the classic horny guy who plays women by lavishing them with attention and sweeping them off their feet. Unfortunately there are lots of those kinds of so-called "nice guy"- "shy guy" frauds around who ruin it for the truly nice guys and shy guys. This guy just wanted his ego stroked so he pretended to be the "shy guy". Realize that he just isn't worth it.

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Sometimes it is very hard to distinguish a shy guy from someone who is only pretending to be shy in order to play you. These are often the so-called "nice guys"..the ones who pretend to be shy to portray themselves as "nice" rather than the classic horny guy who plays women by lavishing them with attention and sweeping them off their feet. Unfortunately there are lots of those kinds of so-called "nice guy"- "shy guy" frauds around who ruin it for the truly nice guys and shy guys. This guy just wanted his ego stroked so he pretended to be the "shy guy". Realize that he just isn't worth it.


Omg Crazyaboutdogs, you have hit the nail on the head AGAIN!!


If we could bottle your wisdom... honestly



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Sometimes it is very hard to distinguish a shy guy from someone who is only pretending to be shy in order to play you. These are often the so-called "nice guys"..the ones who pretend to be shy to portray themselves as "nice" rather than the classic horny guy who plays women by lavishing them with attention and sweeping them off their feet. Unfortunately there are lots of those kinds of so-called "nice guy"- "shy guy" frauds around who ruin it for the truly nice guys and shy guys. This guy just wanted his ego stroked so he pretended to be the "shy guy". Realize that he just isn't worth it.


He wasn`t. Trust me.


I think he was genuinely clueless.

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I don't know if any of you guys remember my shy guy story.......


after all of that slow-flirting and conversation and that 'slowly get to know him, initiate conversation' and 'try not to scare him away' and 'let him know you're into him a little' jazz, I find out through Facebook that he is newly in a relationship.


Well, I threw up a bit in my mouth.


Do you know what he's said to me 3 nights before? He told me I was sweet and that he only comes to class just to see me. Yes this is the incredibly shy guy we're talking.


He better start making more friends now, because I'm stuck with him for next 4 years and I don't know if we'll ever be back to normal again.


I hate med school.


whats the problem?


when you open yourself up theres a 50/50 chance of getting what you want....he simply saw things different from you


no problem here, you did nothing wrong you went for something and didn't get it.......now try it again with someone else

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plop - I know how you feel. I've liked a guy a couple of times that I thought liked me, one of them was shy, and then they end up seeing someone else. I don't understand it at all. But it sucks.


That is weird he flirted with you after getting in a relationship though. Maybe he's not really a nice guy if he does that. Would you want to be in a relationship with him and find out he was saying stuff like that to another girl? It could be a blessing in disguise that nothing worked out. They say everything happens for a reason... (although I'm still wondering what the reason I've been single for a million years is!).

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^ Yeah, I decided to just email him telling him everything because I hated having it bottled up inside.. it's going to be awkward but oh well, at least I feel better now


PS. I'm sagittarian too!

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EDIT: He emailed me back telling me he had feelings for me but thought I only liked him as a friend. Apparently this thing with the other girl 'happened quick'........... and he says even though it might be awkward for a while, we still have 3 years of school left to get to know each other....... what the hell is he trying to say?? I don't get it.

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I don't know if any of you guys remember my shy guy story.......


after all of that slow-flirting and conversation and that 'slowly get to know him, initiate conversation' and 'try not to scare him away' and 'let him know you're into him a little' jazz, I find out through Facebook that he is newly in a relationship.


Well, I threw up a bit in my mouth.


Do you know what he's said to me 3 nights before? He told me I was sweet and that he only comes to class just to see me. Yes this is the incredibly shy guy we're talking.


He better start making more friends now, because I'm stuck with him for next 4 years and I don't know if we'll ever be back to normal again.


I hate med school.




i've had the same story with a so called "shy guy" at work....ive been thinking and trying so hard to let him know i was interested in him, i did things i have never done for a guy before...cause im too serious and authoritative usually...i went out of my confort zone and send him a message on facebook....told him about my thoughts for him...i told him i found him cute, interesting, calm,and invited him out to go out sometimes...he responded : we will have the oporunity to talk and why not go for a drink..he hasnt mentioned it anymore since then , and two months hass passed since then...you know what i did? I KNEW ALL THIS WAS CAUSing me so MUCH SUFFERING AND ANXIETY SO I DECIDED TO JUST QUIT ..NOW HE REALIZES HE DOSNT HAVE MY ATTENTION ANYMORE AND HE TRIES OR FORCE HIMSELF TO GET MY EYES...SEE HIM...BUT I ONLY RESPECT HIM AS OTHER COLLEGUES AND I SMILE TO HIM OR SAY HIM HELLOS...THATS ALL.... I DID WHAT I FELT AND I DID IT ALL GOOD, I DONT REGRET..BUT IVE LEARNED A LOT FROM THIS EXPERIENCE...BE PATIENTE AND SEE WHAT THIS EXPERIENCE IS TRYING TO TEACH U, BE CAREFUL AND TAKE CARE FOR YOURSEF...PLEASE DONT GO AFTER HIM ANYMORE...IF HE WANTS HE WILL COME AFTER YOU

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EDIT: He emailed me back telling me he had feelings for me but thought I only liked him as a friend. Apparently this thing with the other girl 'happened quick'........... and he says even though it might be awkward for a while, we still have 3 years of school left to get to know each other....... what the hell is he trying to say?? I don't get it.


that you can be his back-up or his on-the-side.

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