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I covet people that work human being hours.

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Can't you try to look for another job?


I'm a shift worker and I get 5:00 am starts and 1:00 am finishes sometimes. It is HORRIBLE. I need to get the hell out of this place or I will end up in your position.


I have been looking for another job for years but the financial prison I have put myself in has kept me from getting a different job. I have almost been able to get a different job but have been let down. GET OUT as soon as you can. You do not want to be a living train wreck such as myself.

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I hesitate to say this but I know people who have been bankrupt.


It is not the worst thing in the world. Not compared with feeling you have lost your very soul.


I have been plucking up the courage to leave the job I'm in for about four years, and I'm finally there.


I wouldn't swap the feeling of joy and freedom for anything.


Get debt counselling, look at your budget, do what it takes and maybe, just maybe, even being bankrupt would be prefereable to your current life...???

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Working 7pm-5am M-F for the last 7 years has killed me physically and mentally. It has made relationships with people that I love dearly end and prevented new relationships from beginning. I can take this anymore and there is nothing I can do to change it.


Yep, my social life has greatly suffered because i work in the entertainment industry and have worked weekends consistently for 15+ years.

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I hesitate to say this but I know people who have been bankrupt.


It is not the worst thing in the world. Not compared with feeling you have lost your very soul.


I have been plucking up the courage to leave the job I'm in for about four years, and I'm finally there.


I wouldn't swap the feeling of joy and freedom for anything.


Get debt counselling, look at your budget, do what it takes and maybe, just maybe, even being bankrupt would be prefereable to your current life...???


I was thinking the exact same thing when I read the OP. Bankruptcy is usually the last resort. If you are prepared to declare it, then there is help out there, and you should also be aware that you will have your finances investigated by the relevant bodies to determine whether anything else can be done to prevent it first.


There is a downside to it, but then there is a catch to everything these days.

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I beg to differ when it comes to bankruptcy. I know a few people who have declared bankruptcy and sure they bounce back at times, but these people are usually getting a lot of help from a lot of wealthy people. Unless you have someone that will help you later, do not declare it unless you must and have no other option.


Declaring bankruptcy makes you feel worthless and like you're a complete loser. Emotionally you are drained. Lets not even discuss potential future partners. Many people look down on you when you have declared bankruptcy. People say they wouldn't, they say it might not be a big deal, but it more often than not is.

The process of it is horrendous and the aftermath is worse.


Think about it, when you declare bankruptcy, sure you owe nothing, but it also ruins your credit history, puts you on the black list basically and you are more often than not messed up for a long time.

Some people can never get back on their feet, most companies and potential employers ask if you have ever claimed bankruptcy. Forget about owning a home for years to come because even the smallest thing's like a credit card with the smallest possible limit is hard to get let alone anything else.

In some countries you must obtain permission from your trustee to even travel overseas.

It would be easier to look for a new job with a better pay/hours and a bigger chance of getting it than it would take you to bounce back from bankruptcy.


But in the event that someone chooses to declare bankruptcy, it is advisable they consult an experienced bankruptcy attorney.

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Agreed, but then he's already ruling out all those things by living at rock bottom. Sometimes it's the only thig you can do to regain any sort of control.


It all depends how your self esteem is fed. Materialists (of whom the world is full right now) tend to see losing one's money as the worst thing in the world.


Some of us still value our spiritual and emotional wellbeing ABOVE money.


But you are right about the advice needed.

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Starting fresh yes, but also starting fresh from something you might never recover from.

He might never have his own home, car, some people wont ever think about hiring him. To me that's not really a good thing. In order to survive you need money, in order to have a comfortable life you need money. I'd rather work at a crappy job than declare bankruptcy knowing what I do know about it, because I'd feel my life was completely over then.


People who don't pay their bills on time and have creditors running after them have a hard time as it is. These people unless they try to resolve their financial situation and actually pay their debtors are in a big mess. They have to pay it all off and WHEN they pay it an X amount of years has to pass by before they actually even get a chance at having the bad history removed. Bankruptcy is even worse.


I don't know the OP, but I know people who have worked those hours and they still manage to maintain friendships and relationships. I realize everything is up to the individual. But I really can't say he is at ROCK bottom.


There are people who go to work at 8-9am and come home at 10-11 pm. Because they have to in order to maintain the workload.


I would suggest to the OP to invest at least an hour into job seeking. Speak with a financial adviser and they can help you with possibly reducing the debt you have or paying less monthly.

You'd be surprised at things that can be done if the right people help you.

Even consider moving if you live in a dead end city/town. More options for jobs.


In the end, everyone is different. I know I wouldn't declare bankruptcy probably ever. I'd rather fight tooth and nail than ruin my life for the next 10 years and possibly longer and with that limiting myself for future career options.

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Many, many, potential employers look at bankruptcies askance. I should know. Many years ago I went bk and was unhirable for about 2 years. I hear it is even worse now. I cannot buy a house unless I put over 50% down and the interest on the loan will choke a horse. I have to rent. I know they say bk only stays on your record for 5-7 years, but it has been 15 years and it still comes up. Avoid it at all cost!

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Working 7pm-5am M-F for the last 7 years has killed me physically and mentally. It has made relationships with people that I love dearly end and prevented new relationships from beginning. I can take this anymore and there is nothing I can do to change it.


Oh I feel for you. I remember when I worked 1pm to 10pm I felt like my life was over and I only did that for one year. I can only imagine how your shift must make you feel miserable.


Please put a lot of effort into your job search and find better hours. Some people LOVE that shift. Let those individuals have it and find better for yourself.

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Many, many, potential employers look at bankruptcies askance. I should know. Many years ago I went bk and was unhirable for about 2 years. I hear it is even worse now. I cannot buy a house unless I put over 50% down and the interest on the loan will choke a horse. I have to rent. I know they say bk only stays on your record for 5-7 years, but it has been 15 years and it still comes up. Avoid it at all cost!


This is exactly my point. Here is someone that has been through it.


Even after 10 years people have issues. It's so hard to get your life back on track and many people never do.


Sure there are some that bounce back, but as stated before, these people have strong backs and investors that can help them money wise.

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Sometimes there is assistance available for people in your type of situation - you could be considered working poor. You might be able to get help that way in gov't assistance or through Non-profit or community organizations. I'd use it.


You need to do whatever possible to get out of that situation or at least have a plan for how and when that is gonna happen. Are you ready for that or have you totally given up hope and figure, well I'd do this til I die?


Sometimes it is one thing that makes all the difference and tips the scale, and suddenly options open up again and your life isn't the same. You need a tipping point or several.

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Sometimes there is assistance available for people in your type of situation - you could be considered working poor. You might be able to get help that way in gov't assistance or through Non-profit or community organizations. I'd use it.


You need to do whatever possible to get out of that situation or at least have a plan for how and when that is gonna happen. Are you ready for that or have you totally given up hope and figure, well I'd do this til I die?


Sometimes it is one thing that makes all the difference and tips the scale, and suddenly options open up again and your life isn't the same. You need a tipping point or several.




I have pretty much given up hope. I am at rock bottom.

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