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How would you handle this situation?


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I went out with a guy a week ago and he hasnt made plans with me sense...keeps texting me making conversation but he won't ask me out again. He hinted that on our first date that he thought I wasn't interested in him and I reassured him that I was.... I'm officially annoyed, I'm not trying to be anyones chat/texting buddy. I asked him out on a date this past weekend and he said he couldn't make it because he was busy but proceeded to basically text me all that night..? Youre busy but your texting me all night? Then yesterday he texted me asking me what I was doing and I told him I was eating, he said he wished I would have invited him over. Its stupid of him to say that because I told him I'm not ready to have him over my place but I am open to going out on a date with him again. He keeps texting me hinting at dates but he never asks. I decided that I was going to ignore him but I feel bad just ignoring him. What would you do? What do you think? thanks in advance.

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But that wasn't my question, I'm basically asking how do I do this tell him to leave me alone? I don't know how to communicate it without being rude or sounding mean. I already know I'm not going to find a good guy, I'm just going to be alone for the rest of my life most likely...I guess i'm coming to terms with that.

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I dont think that you can communicate that you want to be left along without being stern, rude or mean. Tell him just want you said here you arent interested in having him as a chat text buddy.


However, I suspect that when you let him know that you wont be inviting him over or sleeping with him that he will lose interest.

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Did he seem like the type who was only after one thing? I just wonder from his text to you whether he was joking as in "haha, you shoulda invited me for food/dinner"... as a joke rather than a real suggestion that he wants to come to your place?


Anyway in response to your question - if you want him to leave you alone - just stop replying.


Oh and I can totally empathise with your struggle... I go through it time and again too... Hopefully one day it will work out for all of us!!



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Did he seem like the type who was only after one thing? I just wonder from his text to you whether he was joking as in "haha, you shoulda invited me for food/dinner"... as a joke rather than a real suggestion that he wants to come to your place?


Anyway in response to your question - if you want him to leave you alone - just stop replying.


Oh and I can totally empathise with your struggle... I go through it time and again too... Hopefully one day it will work out for all of us!!




no he actually seems far from it, he texted me a couple of mins ago and I'm just ignoring it foreal now, Im over this whole game he's playing

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Honestly Coco, if you like this guy and want to see him again, you could just be upfront like someone above said and say something along the lines of enjoying chatting, but that you're looking to date not for a chat / text buddy and if he's keen to meet up in the future to let you know.


You have nothing to lose?

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I just texted him asking "are you looking for more of a friend to chat with or are you looking to date because I'm a little confused right now lol" Oh well what is there to lose you know? Atleast I will get a straight up answer.


GOOD!! Perfect response.. It's proactive and forward without appearing needy or desperate!!

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Oh my god! He just texted me back "I don't know what do you want?..I have enough friends" What in the world is going on with this guy?


Text him what you want - ie. "I am looking to date people at this stage. If you're interested then contact me when you'd like to go out."

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