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FB friend request from people on dating sites


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So have been trying online dating for a bit, its been going quite well, had quite a few emails and there have been a few who I have been quite keen on. We email back and forth for a week or 2, really interested and then they eventually friend request on fb and they seem to lose interest!?


I mean people say that i'm nice looking, obviously i have loads more pictures up on fb, some good, others not so great but its so frustrating when you build up something with these guys and then poof they are gone. When I look at their profiles, they always look a bit different to the couple of pictures i have already seen and maybe the picture i have built up in my mind but it doesn't really put me off them.


I dunno, i guess theres no way around it really. Maybe better than turning up in person and finding they dont like you??

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hah. this is something I've been wondering at the back of my mind too. My hypothesis is that once they add you on facebook it becomes another friend on their list and subconsciously they feel they will have access to you whenever they want since you are on their friends list. You'll just end up another facebook "friend". I've added 2 guys now and I have to say so far they haven't initiated a meeting. Well, the first guy I added I wasn't really interested in...not much of a click. But the second guy I added most recently...we're just sending messages slowing back and forth...I don't think he's gonna initiate anything for now..facebook sucks...but I make sure to hide the photos I don't want them to see. We can only hope for the best you know..so keep your head up and cross your fingers that the right guy will come along.


I totally would recommend meeting in person before adding to facebook but what happens to me is that I want to see more photos of them and they refer me to their facebook...so I really have no choice. I always try to keep in mind that most likely he won't be mr.right..it's easier that way.

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It could be the photos, or it could be something else they see in your profile that raises a red flag to them. Do you have lots of photos with you and other guys? You partying a lot? Maybe they don't like the things they read on your wall? Who knows. I've had guys drop off the earth after I add them on fb too.

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Yea I'm not a big fan of adding people on fb either before meeting them. However somebody of I've been talking to on a dating site send me a friend request yesterday and I felt it would be too rude not to accept him, especially since I am somewhat interested in him.


When we were on emailing on the dating site he would write long emails to me, and when he didn't hear back from me once for a couple of hours he wrote another email asking me if he said something that made me lose interest. But now that we're friends on fb the emails have stopped he just initiates chats on the fb IM and doesn't seem as chatty.


Also me and this guy live very different lifestyles and seem to be complete opposites so I don't know if this is going to work out. He's very rock star like and I'm pretty conservative. I guess fb is a way of finding out a bit more about a person without actually meeting them.

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