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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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The doc said that I have acquired myself a case of asthma. This respitory infection really kicked my rear end. He gave me two different inhalers and said I should be feeling better by the end of the week. If by chance I'm not feeling better he said he will have to prescribe some steroids which neither of us really wants. He knows I know the side effects are not cool and he knows that I will not be happy if I put weight back on after working my tail off to lose my first 25lbs. Shoot it's not even 25 anymore as I haven't been to the gym in over a week and probably won't be able to go for a few more days. I see the difference in my stomach and I feel the difference when I am walking up the stairs.


This is total horse poo. What the heck did I do to deserve this setback?

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Sorry to hear that about your asthma diagnosis. What kind of inhalers did he prescribe you? Inhalers are pretty good at knocking out asthma, but if you have a bad case of it where the inhalers don't knock it out, the steroids will be the quickest way to get it down.


If you are prescribed steroids, they will probably give you 10 days worth (with tapering dosage). Prednisone (the steroid that is most often prescribed), works quickly to knock down the inflammation. I find that when I have a major flareup (where even my inhalers don't work), prednisone takes care of the flareup in about 2 days. Short term steroid use is NOT harmful. It will make you jittery and wide awake and can increase appetite.


I wish you well. If you have questions about asthma issues or the meds you are taking, feel free to PM me. I've had asthma for a long time now and have gone through the gamut of medications.

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We were posting at the same time. I'm glad you got some answers.


Rest rest rest. Don't worry about the gym right now. You'll get back into your routine once you are well. In the meantime be careful not to get too down on yourself because if you are anything like me, stress or the blues can make you eat bad.


Even if you can't work out right now you can still focus on eating well and keep yourself in the "healthy" mindset. You will be fine. Get your rest.

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Is adult asthma fairly common where you live? Do you think it's environmental also? I only assume because when I think of southern California the air pollution could trigger a lot of breathing problems.


I hope you do feel better! Having an asthma myself and colds like this reminds me of the bronchitis and couple partial pneumonia I had few years ago.


I'm sure your body is fighting enough that the rest alone will help you to get your energy back so I wouldn't worry much about not being able to go to the gym at this point. Rest well!

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Thank you friends.


I suppose living in a smoggy environment could be a cause. I have lived here all my life and didn't have any major problems until 7 or 8 years ago, when I had a nasty bout of bronchitis. My breathing problems have been pretty much inactive until now.


So I guess all I can do is just take it easy, get my rest (which you all know is nearly impossible) and hope for the best.


You are right Bella, this thing has me depressed, I want to be in the gym and yes I see that I am throwing caution to the wind and eating things I probably shouldn't be eating. I will stop that nonsense though. I actually have a healthy breakfast and lunch with me today.


Thank you for all the support. It really means so much to me.

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I think I am going to shoot for the gym on Sunday, I'm feeling better. Still have a little cough but I think it's mostly the remainder of the phlegm trying to make it's way out.


I miss how great I felt, I miss so many things right now. I've been extremely depressed and withdrawn. Things are just so wrong in my life. I guess I need to be in the gym to take my mind off the heavy things.


I sooo want to come back here with happy posts like I had.

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Well I made it to the gym but it was hell. I wanted to start slow so as not to set myself back so I did the bike for 10 minutes and that made me wheeze. So I took a breather and then started working various machines for the arms. That wasn't so bad, I was able to get through that with relative ease. I thought I would finish up with an easy walk on the treadmill. I was walking as slow as an old woman crossing the street and was still winded. I managed to get 10 minutes there too before I called it a day.




And it was hard, looking at all those stupid mirrors. I kept thinking "gosh, how much weight did I put on in two weeks from not working out" ?? I felt like a tub of lard and of course the comment that the idiot made a few weeks back kept replaying over and over in my head. That in turn just made me sad all over.


So I wonder if I should just abandon the cardio for right now and focus on machines instead?

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I wouldn't call that a "fail" at all! It's amazing that you even went to the gym given all that you are dealing with.


Listen to your body right now. If cardio is making you strain to breathe, refrain from it until you feel better.


Even if you manage to just take a light walk for 10 minutes a day that is fine. You don't want to overdo it.


Hang in there!

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Thank you. I hope you all know that your kindness and compassion and comforting words really help me.


I will go to the gym today but I am just going to work arms and legs. I don't think I want to do abs as it will require me to do bending, crunching which will probably mess with my breathing. The arms and legs I can do with relative ease. Perhaps I can do a few minutes on the bike and see how I feel.


Thank you again, each of you. You all inspire me to keep going when really I just want to give up.

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Ok, I made it to the gym again. I started with 5 minutes on the bike and then worked on arms and legs for a bit and finished with 5 minutes on the bike. This time I had my inhaler with me while working out but didn't use it. I wasn't breathing 100% but I wasn't completely winded which is good. I noticed I was more tired today, probably from a combination of things.


He called me and asked if I could come to his house after work so we could talk. He said that he hopes I think clearly and logically about us and that "he needs me". Now I'm thinking that he just needs someone to take care of him, not that he neccesarily needs a girlfriend. I'll be the first to admit, I am one screwed up woman right now. I don't know what to think or how to feel. I'm sorry that I am such a Debbie Downer lately.

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If your significant other was drunk and made a nasty comment about your body, would that make you want to give up what you are doing, or work that much harder in the gym just to show him what a jerk he was for saying what he said?


I don't want to get into specifics, I was just looking for a general consensus.


Btw, he has apoligized profusely, but I still am not speaking to him. It wasn't just the comment, there are some other issues lingering as well but I'm wondering if my lack of effort these last few days is subconciously because of the comment he made?


I would never blame not working out for few days as the cause. If he can't appreciate for the person you are then I don't know if he's being truly shallow or is simply trying to put you down. I honestly think he's jealous of your progress; an intelligent, strong (physically & emotionally) and determined woman that you are.


You are a motivator in the process including myself. You always motivate someone whether you notice it or not. We're here to cheer for you!

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Thank you.. My life right now seems so out of order. Weeks ago I was happy, full of energy and deeply in love with someone that I thought loved me too. I was actually thinking and hoping that our relationship would go to the next level. All of that came to a screeching halt when I found out a variety of things about him, about our relationship and how I percieve he feels about me.


So many things play into everything that has happened. Part of me would like to think that this can be saved but the more sensible part of me doesn't want to risk more heartache.


I guess I will just keep burying myself in work, home life and the gym and hopefully I can find peace and clarity soon.

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Have you been stretching? Especially if you haven't been moving around too much and the muscles are getting tight it may give you such pain.


I have weird pains if I don't stretch enough as my legs are stiff, some pains near the knees, sometimes around the hips to the lower back. But just walking for 10 minutes or so and doing stretches afterwards make the symptoms go away.

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Have you been stretching? Especially if you haven't been moving around too much and the muscles are getting tight it may give you such pain.


I have weird pains if I don't stretch enough as my legs are stiff, some pains near the knees, sometimes around the hips to the lower back. But just walking for 10 minutes or so and doing stretches afterwards make the symptoms go away.


I'm probably not stretching enough during the day. Thanks for the info.


Now to update my journal, I was going to hit the gym this morning before I came into work. (I picked up an extra shift today in the afternoon). I went to the market at 8:00am so I could finish that task early enough to get a good start at the gym and when I got home I couldn't find any of my gym clothes. WTH? By the time I found everything (dirty) it was going to be too late to wash and dry and still make the gym and get to work on time. So I have everything ready to go for tomorrow morning. Hopefully the day will go smoothly and I can get my workout in. I picked up another shift for tomorrow afternoon so I will have to make the gym early.


I think I may have spread myself a little thin, I'm working all over the place and doing a lot of hours. The money is great but I know by the end of next week, I am going to be wiped out if not before then.


Nothing new with the boyfriend dilemma. He's still trying and I'm still holding back. I know I should make a decision one way or another, I just don't want to make a decision in haste. I guess you can call this a sort of break between us.

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Well I finally made it to the gym!


It was such a great feeling to be back and to work out and not feel like I was going to suffocate.


I had a great sweat going on, did 45 minutes of cardio and worked my arms and back. Looking forward to going again tomorrow.


Thank you everyone for continuing to boost my spirits when I was down.


Now if only I could get my relationship in order. That sadly is taking longer than my illness did.

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