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I've known this girl for the whole school year, began talking to her two months ago. We became really good friends, I trust her with my life and I think she does too. But I feel in love with her and I don't know how she feels. I don't know if this is a sign but once she was scared and she asked me to hold her, and we always look in eachothers eyes and she gives me long hugs when we see eachother. Does she like me?

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Gee, guy, its kindda hard to tell. All that hugging and scared stuff I guess are pretty good signs she trust you and feels comfortable with you, but I dunno about liking you. I dunno if your outta school yet, but anyway, go up to her and ask her to hang out during the summer and to get her phone number and address if you aint got them. Anyway, then what you do is just give her signs that you like her like every week or so, give her a complament on something other than her cloths or shoes. Say something like "Thats nice hair you have today" and give her a newer, deeper cpmplament every week. Try touching her more like poke her on the shoulders playfully or try to touch her hand. If you get near her hand and she pulls away, thats okay, but if you try again maybe a day later and she does it again thats bad. Well anyway, once you feel the time is right, ask her if she wants to date then you can hit it off from there. Good luck.

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