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Your 'Ideal Girlfriend'

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Hey guys!!


I am just curious to compare and contrast what guys really look for in a relationship. Guys opinions welcome! What are somethings you find irresistible about a girl? Things you can't live without in a relationship? What makes you decide to terminate a relationship?


This should be an interesting read.

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What I look for in an ideal girlfriend..well everyone's seen all my posts so I'm gonna take a crack at it and see what those who know me think as well..


1. What do I a guy really look for in a relationship: I look for the love and companionship..I don't care one bit about sex..to me sex is too overrated I'd rather it be with someone I love and am gonna spend the rest of my life with through marriage. In my ideal relationship I want the committment to be filled on both ends, and I want her to know I'm there for her and that she will be there for me when we need each other the most. I also want her to know that I'm gonna be there to protect her and that she can count on me to always keep her safe and secure.


2. Things I find irresistible about a girl: Anytime she smiles or laughs at silly things I say. I love it when I hear a girl I like start voicing her views/opinons it brings out this intelligent side of her that if you just saw her walking by you wouldn't see..I love it cause I think intelligence in a girl is sexy..thats just me don't know about others here. Also when a girl plays with her hair..like straightening it out or putting it up and letting back down I love that..I love it when girls wear their hair down more than up I think it makes them look more attractive.


3. Things I can't live without in the relationship: I would say I can't live without the communication..I mean I don't want to sound clingy but I'd always wanna talk to her and ask her how her day was what all she did whats she gonna do tomorrow , stuff about work and I would like her to do the same. Another thing I couldn't live without would be the affection..giving it to her and getting it from her..I always would want her to know how much I care for her by being able to hold her hand or kiss her or cuddle with her on the couch watching tv.


4. What would make me decide to terminate the relationship: If it honestly looks like its going south, not returning calls, dodging me, showing signs of falling out of love with me then I would have to take a look at our relationship and see if it is worth trying to salvage.


Hope that is what you were looking for



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Well, my perfect girlfriend would be something like this: She would actually love me, and I would truly love her. She would be there when I needed her, help me when I was down. We would have similar interests, and be in the same school / area. I mean, everything else would just all fit if we actually loved each other. It's not a very big list, sorry.

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My Girlfriend would be someone really comprehensive. She would love me more than everythign and I would love her even more than that. We would support each other no matter what. She should be intelligent, funny and she should be able to make me smile even if I were really sad. She should make me feel great. (I'm allowed to dream, am I not?)


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alright let me start by saying im a bisexual and my friends think im weird in what i look for in a girl i look for a girl who really cares about me and who isnt afraid to be herself and she would accept me for who i am looks are 100% not an issue with me. i am sure that she would like romantic stuff and be honest.

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Let's see here. For me it would first off have to be someone that knows God, but I don't think that is probably what you were getting at. To get more inline with what I think you were really asking, she would need to know what love is. That seems like something simple, but a quick look as some of my prior posts and you should see that I see love quite differently than most people do, and my "perfect" girl would need to at least come close. Next, she would need to be a bit aggressive when it comes to going after what she wants. Just waiting for things to come to you is no way to get anything done. Someone a bit more toward the affectionate side would be good because that would counter some of the natural tendencies that I know I have. Having someone that will truly talk to you is something that most people never find. No secrets are the only good secrets because things that you already know can't sneak up on you. Other than that things pretty well match up with what the other guys have said.

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it is good to write this kinda stuff down to clear your own head sometimes:


- I like a woman that is well spoken, who can make complicated feelings clear in a few sentences. This probably means she is smart and has a good sense of humor about herself and the world.

- she's open and honest, willing to talk about things that matter and to be real about them. Quality talk over quantity talk.

- a woman that has her own opinion on things that she has thought about and not merely taken from someone else.

- a woman that is curious about everything and is always learning thus she would be interested in my opinion and we could learn from each other.

- similar values and background so we have some common ground. Culture matters.

- kind and compassionate, concerned about others, especially family and kids. She knows how to make anyone feel comfortable and pays attention to the little things that I might miss.

- elegant and graceful when the situation requires it but willing to get a little dirty if needed. (i.e. down to earth and not high maintenance)

- she's got to be in a happy place in her life, satisfied with where she is going, doesn't need a man for every little thing.

- not too afraid of intimacy, emotionally and otherwise. To be brave about letting someone else that close, she would need to be confident in herself. She is comfortable in her own skin.

- we need to compliment each other's strong and weak points. ( she is skilled where I may be weaker )


The physical stuff is perhaps another thread,

but how a person carries themselves and the whole package matters.

Did she put at least some effort into dressing well and being clean?



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Things I like in a girl.....


1. Looks (lets not kid ourselves on), they are important.

2. Good sense of humour.

3. Inteligent, ie. having a good job and can be independent.

4. Honest and sinsere.

5. Someone who can give me respect, gets respected.

6. I like a lady to be lady-like ie. not a man wanna-be!

7. Somone who can give and share love.

8. Must be well-kept.


Basically, I want someone to fit all of the above and who's willing to be in a loving relationship, get married and share all I have in my life.


Q. Why would I end a relationship?

A.Because of a strong change of feelings for the other person. You know the rest

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the most important thing to me is that she understands my sense of humour, because I have an odd sense of humor that has a habit of pissing people off. If she gets my humor, then and only then do other things matter. Here's what else I think is important:


I think I would have to agree with the first response, and Dereks post... I can't think of anything else beyond them... thats what a girl should be

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  • 2 weeks later...

yea thats true. attraction is key. its a catalyst of any sort of relationship, so looks DO matter.


other then that, personality and intelligence comes before anything. other factors include integrity, honesty, independence, and she must be reserved, too.


i prefer flirty and sporty types, but thesee are all trivial compared to the qualities i listed above.


basically, a good looking, intelligent and a nice girl, who respects me as much as i respect her that would be willing to share a long relationship with me.

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ideal ?


i'd say someone that 'gets it' , i mean that smart way of thinking that excludes everyone else except the two people who 'get the joke'


its so great when you share that special way of thinking , its like its all that matters as other peole seem to be on the outside all the time , which bonds you even closer .


all the other stuff as well but for me its the being in tune thing that makes it

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In no particular order:


Looks - not the most important thing in the world, but there has to be some sort of physical attraction to have a relationship IMO.

Personality - A great personality and a cool person to be with, but not "great" as in being really loud and talkative.

Smart/Intelligent - A girl at least smart enough that we can have good conversations.

Honesty/Trust - Someone I can trust with my bank account (just a saying-not neccessarily true)

Common interests - She has to like at least some of the things I do or the relationship would go nowhere. It can also be a conversation starter and just makes relationships easier.

Loyalty - She won't go off with another guy just because he looks real good or he is a huge flirt.

Not a sl*t - Like Jok3r said, I don't want my friends telling me my gf just "went around the bases" with another guy.

Good communication - We have to stay in contact somehow and living in the area is also good.

A genuine good person - Pretty much defines itself.

Likes me for me Probably the most important one, she likes me for who I am, not because I am popular or a jock or something like that.

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This is such a good thread Ocean Eyes. Good Idea!


I just wish I knew everyone's ages so I could see how much guy's requirements change with age.


I like what Bobster said about a lady being "lady-like."

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Truly all i really want in a girl is one that will be my best friend...


I know that sounds kinda cheezy but seriously if we can always have fun together and never have an awkward pause in a conversation, that would be a match made in heaven... Plus i know this is gonna sound REALLY shallow but quite honestly there has to be some kind of physical attraction between us... basically she has to be at least a little bit good looking... I would never date a person that let themselves go so that they weighed more than 200 lbs... I wouldnt leave somebody if they were to get that big after we were going out for a while but i certainly wouldnt just go up and approach them if i saw them in the mall or something and i knew nothing about them...

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  • 1 year later...

I have no preferences. All I look for is someone with whom I share a special bond and connection with, someone who loves and understands me, and someone with whom I share the same values and believes about certain core things. A good person with a good heart. Everything else, I'll take as it comes.


Really, my ideal partner is the one I end up with, the one I am with for all eternity.

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I know my perfect girl and there's nothing that I want to change about her apart from the fact that she has a boyfriend. a nice voice as in talking is understated, cute face and dont care what hair but in my case ussually dark hair. nice body but i ussually notice a cute face.

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1. Good looking (not stunning, but I need to be attracted to her)

2. Intelligent, educated

3. Easy to talk to and willing to have good conversation

4. Loyal and dependable

5. Have things in common with each other

6. Be able to take care of herself

7. Care about her health (active lifestyle)

8. Open communication ( I can't stress this one enough)

9. Happy with who she is

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1. What do I a guy really look for in a relationship: I look for the love and companionship..I don't care one bit about sex..to me sex is too overrated I'd rather it be with someone I love and am gonna spend the rest of my life with through marriage. In my ideal relationship I want the committment to be filled on both ends, and I want her to know I'm there for her and that she will be there for me when we need each other the most. I also want her to know that I'm gonna be there to protect her and that she can count on me to always keep her safe and secure.

You know what I love about enotalone?

A lot of the guys here are just so sweet and kind.

A lot of you are super quality.

Good luck!

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