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Why did she say "eww" around me?


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Friday night, my crush was at my house (only because she was with her Mom to pick up her brother) and we were all gathered in the living room. Eventually, I got up to go get something to show them. As I was walking by my crush, she couldn’t keep her eyes off me. I noticed this out of the corner of my eye. However, when I was almost out of her sight, I heard her say “eww”. I wasn't looking at her in a strange or perverted way and she didn’t make a disgusted face nor did she smile at me to indicate she was only joking. This puzzles me; because I thought she liked me back (she would do the aforementioned looking at me, mimics me, asks people she knows questions about me, blushes around me, etc.), but this isn’t the only time she’s done something like this. One time she made a “eeeehehehehehe” sound when she walked by me and another time, a moan when she reached to get something next to me.


I know she's not a mean girl, so she couldn't be doing this to be cruel. Could it mean she’s trying to get my attention or what?

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I think you're reading too much into things. Like your other thread, you ask why she didn't say "bye" to you, etc. She doesn't sound terribly interested and therefore she's rather vague. I think you're over thinking and over analysing.


I agree with Capricorn. You are overanalyzing this little thing. She might of said eww to either her mom or her brother, not necessarily toward you. Move on to the more important gestures.

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As someone who has 'made up' things like this, I can sympathize. I remember once, when I went into a college bookstore, I thought I heard a girl say to her friend, "He smells", and then they started giggling. Keep in mind that I take 2 showers a day usually, wear body spray, and deodorant, so I'm probably not likely to "smell."


Was she watching tv? She might have seen something on tv that grossed her out. Or she might have passed gas. Anything in the world could have happened, it's not necessarily about you.

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