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Mother didn't teach me about hygiene - anyone else have this problem?


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Just interested in sharing experiences here.

I've overcome this problem in fits and starts, and had to learn a lot on my own, but now raising children with my partner, and seeing what a good mother she is and all the things she teaches them and pays attention to, also regarding hygiene, has made me remember things in my past and give them a meaning that they didn't have at the time. I was just wondering if other people had problems with parents who didn't teach them hygiene.

When I was a kid I saw a lot of doctors, because i had (have) a ton of allergies and i was always sick with strep throat, nothing serious but a lot of lingering little problems, and it was doctors that were the first to make me note that my mother didn't take care of my hygiene (i mean when i was little). I remember an ear/nose/throat doctor getting extremely angry when he was checking my ears and my mother hadn't thought to clean them before bringing me in.

She taught me to take baths/showers, but she would only wash my hair once a week! And she never ever taught me to wash my "private parts", probably because she was old and very catholic and never talked about that stuff except for giving me the minimum practical information about sex to make sure i didn't get pregnant.

I guess I just wanted confirmation that this was not correct/normal behaviour, and i wondered if anyone else had this kind of experience. My mother is also mentally ill, so that was certainly part of the cause.

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Mine didnt tell or show me about hygene. I got teased at school for having messy hair. I dont remember being told to brush my teeth as a kid ever.


Mom finally noticed I had breasts when I was 14 and got me one bra that was miraculously suposed to last all my teen years. Periods and birth control also werent discussed.


Its uncaring and ignorant neglect. Im sure it happens to alot of kids making it harder for them to bond with peers ,feel self asteem,cared for and positive about school and life. my mom btw was also catholic. I wanted to add.. she also is mentaly ill I think.

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my mom didnt tell me anything, i learn them from school and from myself. my mom is an old fashion lady, so telling me about this girly thing doesnt work for her.


i DO NOT want to be like my mom, i would LOVE to have a daughter and tell her all about girls stuff *makes me feel happy now lol*

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My mother is also mentally ill, so that was certainly part of the cause.

I'm thinking this is probably the reason why and I guess one can excuse her for not doing the right thing. BUT, I would have to say any parent who is not mentally ill has no excuse for not raising their children properly. Too lazy to care, maybe.

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