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Hello, ENA. I have quite a problem on my hands. I was dating a girl for a few weeks. I found out on the 25th of last month that she was pregnant. I am, of course, scared out of my mind. She wasn't really freaking out, but seemed almost excited about it. Her biggest problem is that she has a kidney stone that can't be passed anymore.


This all changed the past week. She worries about the baby constantly, and she is no longer excited about doctor visits. I have tried doing everything I can to make each day easy on her. I'll run to the store to get whatever she can eat that day. However, it seems that almost everything else I do is wrong. It now seems that she is pulling away from me.


While we were dating, she seemed so into me. She was always happy to see me. She said i love you at least once an hour. She kissed me all the time. All of this seems gone. I think she feels like she is trapped with me. I just want to know if she really feels this way, or if the hormones make her act this way. Opinions? Thoughts?

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First, how old are the both of you?


None of us will be able to guess what is going on in her mind. The best thing to do is to be willing to talk very openly and honestly with her. This is a huge, potentially life changing event for both of you.


So, you really need to communicate very openly with her and hopefully she will be willing to be honest and communicate openly with you as well.


You both need to do that with each other now that she is pregnant.

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I am 25 and she is 21. I realize this is a serious decision. I try to talk with her about anything that bothers me. I feel that communication is a very important part of a relationship. Every time something bothers me she feels that it is in my head. Sometimes it is, but this feels like a big problem. I just really need some help.

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since you both are young and this came on very suddenly with out you two knowing each other very well, maybe consider going to some counselling or something together and separate?


it can help to talk to some one outside of the situation and help you through it...and also together so you know wher eyou both stand on things and what you think. It can be hard to do it just on your own and talk together, espically if one person is not that willing.


See if she is open to that. It cant hurt in anyway. If she is having this baby, you both need to be prepared and if you cant communicate now, problems will happen down the line.


She might be scared about it all and is just trying to brush off what you tell her so she doens' thave to think about it and realise whats actually going on. like blocking it out.

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