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Hey everyone

Im having a hard time dealing with losing a friend.. not through death either, jus through him deciding he doesnt wanna be friends, i cant cut contact with him totally cos hes my bf's nephew so i see him regulary and its hard, i feel like crying all the time. We were really close at one stage but its all fallin appart. Im totally crushed at his disicion because we had been getting on really well on messenger over the last few mths. How do i get over losing such a good ( at one stage) friend?

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Friends are very special. I would suggest that you try and work things out. They have an old saying. A friend is someone that walks in when others walk out. It it worth saving if possible. Friends are few and far between. You can make some new friends here.


Good Luck





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BreArna, sometimes it just happens and not much can be done. I know it's difficult, in some ways it can feel just like losing a boyfriend or girlfriend.


Try to figure out what level contact he's comfortable with, there's likely to be something he's okay with. If it seems like it won't make things worse, see if you can find out the reasons why he is acting differently. Perhaps there are misconceptions or misunderstandings.


To me, getting over the loss of a friend isn't quite as wrenching as losing a relationship, but it's not far behind. Most of the same things apply really. Try to make new friends (well, that's always a good thing to do anyway).


Good luck, keep your head up, there are lots of friendly people, and they're generally easier to find than a partner. You'll be okay once you get some others to chat with. Yeah, you'll miss this friend, and there is always a good chance things will pass over and he'll be okay with you again.


Good luck.

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