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I can't go on like this...


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I don't want to go over my situation again, but basically my GF/Ex tells me we both need time... I told her I wanted to see her before I go back to work on the 4th, and she says "maybe". I asked her straight forward question "are you done with me" and she says "no. but I dont know what I want right now". I can't just sit here waiting for her.... I have been sick to my stomach for 3 weeks straight. The anxiety is unreal. The last time I heard from her was a txt message saying Merry Christmas on Christmas day. Nothing since then. I want to get better, but I feel like we need to meet for me to get closure if she doesnt want to work things out.


Im so lost...

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I understand how you feel, you don't really know what she's thinking and what's going on. Well, she said she's not done with you so that means she isn't done with you, unless she's evil and has something going on on the side or just wants to keep you there for emotional support...


Just give her the space and in the mean time don't kill yourself over worrying about it. Try to keep yourself busy and not linger around. Let her be and let her think. Once 4 weeks are up, I suggest you give her an ultimatum to tell you what's going on and to discuss it with you to not leave you hanging/give closure.

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