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Alone on Xmas day!


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Merry Xmas Day everyone!


Just wanted to say I'm spending xmas alone today... well, me and the dogs. That said, I'm okay. Got a fire going in the woodstove, eating rich and unhealthy good tasting food, playing with my dogs, splitting wood, cleaning house, talking to relatives on the phone, etc.


I'm reading a lot of posts about holiday stress... bringing up bad memories, strained relationships, etc. I wonder how much of the stress people feel is created by society/media and how we are all suppose to have a wonderful day and whatnot. Just seems like a day of high expectations and potential let downs.



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Just seems like a day of high expectations and potential let downs.


Thats how I feel about this day too.


Such a waste of a day. I really hate this day, has never brought me anything good never. Eventhough I am at home with my parents, I feel alone. Me and my thoughts. Christmas have never done me good and will never do anyone any good.

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I'm sorry some of you are feeling down and lonely today. Perhaps some of you can just get out, go somewhere and strike up a conversation with someone that may not have anyone to talk to. It could do a world of good for everyone involved.


How about visiting a senior center or a convalscent home? There are so many seniors that are forgot about today and just left alone. Imagine what a world of good you would be doing for someone else and it might just make you feel pretty darn good too!

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Well, really my comments go deeper than just xmas day. To elaborate a little bit... I feel there is a whole lot of stress created from outside forces. In short someone or something else telling us how things are suppose to be in life. Christmas is just an example.


We are suppose to be hanging out with family around the fire, drinking egg nog or hot buttered rum, baking cookies, the tree is up with all the lights and ornaments, presents are under the tree, little kids are running around and playing, playing board games or charades, goose in the oven, xmas music in the background, etc, etc.


The problem is... how many people really have this type of xmas? And even so, why should this be the standard of what xmas SHOULD be? Can't we have a non-traditional xmas and be happy? I'm having a great day!



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Thats how I feel about this day too.


Such a waste of a day. I really hate this day, has never brought me anything good never. Eventhough I am at home with my parents, I feel alone. Me and my thoughts. Christmas have never done me good and will never do anyone any good.




Its too bad you feel that way,you must remember the real meaning of Christmas,remember Christ-mas,yes society place emphasis on gift giving,time with family and friends in a warm home with lots of food and a cozy fire.. knowing that not everyone gets to experience that.

Don't see is as a day of disaster,once you really get rid of the material side of it,religious or not,you'll see what this special season brings.

I'm dealing with things myself just have to keep a bigger perspective,and do things you would enjoy on any other day off.

so sending a Christmas wish to you and all of you!

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Well, really my comments go deeper than just xmas day. To elaborate a little bit... I feel there is a whole lot of stress created from outside forces. In short someone or something else telling us how things are suppose to be in life. Christmas is just an example.


We are suppose to be hanging out with family around the fire, drinking egg nog or hot buttered rum, baking cookies, the tree is up with all the lights and ornaments, presents are under the tree, little kids are running around and playing, playing board games or charades, goose in the oven, xmas music in the background, etc, etc.


The problem is... how many people really have this type of xmas? And even so, why should this be the standard of what xmas SHOULD be? Can't we have a non-traditional xmas and be happy? I'm having a great day!





Well I'm not for anything traditional, LOL. I'm going home in an hour to watch the kids open their gifts and then I will throw on some sweat pants and do my laundry while dinner is cooking. Kinda untraditional, but I wouldn't have it any other way.

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OH wouldn't you love to talk to my father. He has these big ideas about Christmas being NOT REAL. Indeed it is a holiday that was created to lure shoppers into spending big money at Christmas time. The retailers use the holiday of Christmas to draw people in. Its sick. And for all the religious types, Christ wasn't even born on Dec. 25th nor is there any direction in the bible for us to celebrate his birthday.


I love the way you are spending Christmas, wish I was doing the same! But pajamas all day and no commitments is great too!

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Well, Kevin, I mostly agree. I'm on my own for Christmas too and it's actually not so bad. I've got nice food, watching The Wire on DVD which is so unchristmassy that it made me forget what day it actually is, and it's been sunny with blue skies and I have a great view from my appartment and a lovely cuddly little cat to share my space with.


The run up to Christmas was worse than the day itself because yes, it feels like a bit of stigma to not be spending Christmas in the ideal way you describe. However, I agree those images of the ideal Christmas come from the media and, like a lot of Hollywood movies, do not reflect the reality of life. But, having said that I would like the perfect family Christmas, and being shown images of this rather than the reality means that reality feels like something has gone wrong. And this puts a lot of pressure on people to make things right/perfect and live up to expectations on the day itself and in life in general i think.

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Just think of this...tomorrow we will be dealing with all the hype of New Year's Eve...and then on January 2nd, out comes all the Valentine stuff in the stores. Hype, hype and more hype over everything...everyone is supposed to have a blisfully happy family, with happy children, a loving partner and absolutely no drama, angst, loneliness etc. That is what society tries to sell people at holiday time. For many people it just doesn't follow this kind of charmed life.


I am not Christian so I do not celebrate Christmas..I too was home with my dog. Sometimes they are the best company!

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