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Why can't someone just pay me to play my Bass? AKA The joys of Unemployment...


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They knew you wouldn't last there, HellFrost. They don't want a person with a college degree. Sorry you are having such a horrible time finding work.


The job I interviewed for required a college degree. It was basically a job doing something I already have four years experience doing. They wanted someone with a minimum of three years.


Everyone keeps telling me I should call them on Monday just to say I am still interested. But that seems like such bad etiquette. It would look so desperate. I am desperate, but I don't need to let them know that.


Or were you talking about the job washing dishes? I don't think anyone would last at that job. No one is a lifelong dishwasher. I did it when I was 15... My first job ever was washing dishes.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have no way of knowing for sure... but I think I just got a job.


I sent in a resume' on Saturday for this job that I honestly didn't expect to hear back about. They called me today and did kind of an impromptu phone interview. The conversation I had with this guy was really casual. Then he asked me if I would be able to come into his office for training. I told him I can do that, and he told me he would send me an email when he gets the training all set up.


So I guess this means I am hired... But he didn't sound very serious and I wonder if it was just a polite brush off. It seems to me, like if I was an employer, and I put a job posting up and wanted to hire some people, I would already be ready to train them. I wouldn't need to take time setting up the training and then call everyone back. It might have been just a convenient excuse.


Idk... I won't get excited until I walk in to the office and actually have my training. I don't get excited about any of these jobs anymore...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't even like doing follow up calls anymore... all I get are a bunch of rude people who are tired of me calling. Well, give me a job and I won't call you anymore.


I had an interview somewhere last week that seemed to go well. I was told that if I don't hear from them by today, to call them. (Something I don't really understand, but whatever...) So I called a few minutes ago and was told by some snotty girl: "You have to come in here to follow up. We don't take follow up calls here. If you can't even get in here to check in with us how ya gonna get here to work?"


I never said I couldn't get there. I was just doing what the guy who talked to me asked me to do.


I am starting to wonder if people in managment positions are just having fun messing with people who are desperate.


It's getting to the point where I don't even want to look any more. Constant rejection isn't good for the soul.


That doesn't mean I plan on not looking. I'll keep looking because I have to. I just hope there's some grand cosmic reason for all of this.

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Cut myself open wide

Reach inside

Help yourself

To all I have to give

And then you help yourself again

And then complain that

You didn't like the way

I put the knife in wrong

You didn't like the way

My blood spilled on your brand new floor


What would you say

If I walked away

Would you appreciate

But then it'd be too late

Because I can only take so much of your ungrateful ways

Everything is never enough

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get a band together and plaster yourself on the net i guess. sandi thom did it, netting over 145,000 hits in her early days..then grossing millions now, thats pound and dollars and hits (on net) just a thought. but if you do, make sure your sounds are better than that bilge water they call music. thanks!

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Oh NO!!! I didn't even think about you when I posted that. I was talking about someone I know in real life named Kat. Certain friends of mine are familiar with my ongoing annoyance with this woman and can vouch for me if you want more proof.




lol..I knew you werent talking about me, Silly!

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I had an interview last week for this one kitchen job I applied for... And that went well, so I was called back today for a second interview. Second interview was today, also went well.


On the way home I tried to feel excited. Now I'll have some income coming in. Now I'll be able to start building up the bank account... etc. But I couldn't. All I could think was how sad it is that with my experience and with my education this is what I've been reduced to. Working part time in a kitchen for minimum wage.


I am not asking for advice on how to job hunt. Believe me, anything anyone out there can tell me on how to look for a job, I've already thought of it. I've been out of work for a long time.


By the time I got home I was feeling completely depressed. So this is the best I can do huh?


Then my roommate came home from work. He was only here for a few minutes. He came in and grabbed some food and told me he had to go back to work for a few hours because the second shift supervisor had some family emergency to deal with. I should mentioned that he just recently became a supervisor at work. So, he's getting used to more responsibility, and more hours all at once.


So, I just came home from my interview, and got online to check me email, and that's when he came home. He told me what was going on with work. And then he's like "Could you get off your ass and at least take the trash out, Jesus Christ..." Now, the whole time him and I have lived together (over a decade) I have always done most of the cleaning. There was never any verbal agreement to this. It's just always been that way.


So I was bringing bags of trash out to the curb, and I hear "Excuse me could you throw this away for me!?" yelled in my direction from a car, and then a bunch of ice hit me in the side of the head. And then I heard hysterical laughter from a car load of guys. One of them thought it would be funny to throw an open cup of ice at my head I guess. Douchebags...


I came back inside, got back on the computer, and then I heard my roommate on the phone in the other room. I heard the whole conversation. He's like "Hey, I'm working until 7:30. Are you still going to be there when I get done?" ... "Have a cold one ready for me, I'll need it." ... "What was that?" ... "He's on the computer, as always." ... Laugh ... "Alright, I'll see you later." Then he just left. Didn't come in here and say anything to me, just left. I know it was my girlfriend he was talking to. She's a bar tender and I am guessing he's planning on stopping in where she works tonight when he get's off work.


Anyone who doesn't know the back story with my roommate and my girlfriend... it's long and complicated. But in short, he has feelings for her.


Maybe I am just feeling a little more pissy then usual right now because of the unexpected wave of depression. But I just wanted to tell this story to someone. I have a whole forum full of people here to listen. So if anyone has anything to say, that would be great. I am more venting then anything.

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I would be pissed too. And him talking to your gf and sounding like he's making fun of you is complete disrespect. I know that you and he have been friends for a long time, but is it possible that he's getting the "I'm better than you are" bug and is now trying to show your gf how much "better" he is than you are. Admit it, life has dealt you a bad hand and you are dealing with it, but he is making it worse with his snide comments and disrespect, almost like he's trying to prove something. I'd be wary of him. Just keep your eyes open and watch your 6.

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I would be pissed too. And him talking to your gf and sounding like he's making fun of you is complete disrespect. I know that you and he have been friends for a long time, but is it possible that he's getting the "I'm better than you are" bug and is now trying to show your gf how much "better" he is than you are. Admit it, life has dealt you a bad hand and you are dealing with it, but he is making it worse with his snide comments and disrespect, almost like he's trying to prove something. I'd be wary of him. Just keep your eyes open and watch your 6.


He just got promoted at work and got this pretty big raise. He probably is feeling like he is better then I am right now.


There is a lot he can offer her right now that I can't... He knows that. But the good thing is she's not interested.


She even told me herself that she thought it was weird that he called her to tell her he was stopping by after work. He goes there a lot after work, but he never calls beforehand.

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