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farting before being comfortable enough for sex?


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The first time that my bf (now ex) was staying overnight at my place and we were lying in bed falling asleep when all of a sudden because my body was so relaxed, I farted. I was mortified but since he said nothing I figured that he was already asleep. A few minutes later I was starting to fall asleep again when pffft!, it happened again! This time I apologized and said that I couldn't control what my body was doing when I was in that relaxed state. I think he was shocked but he laughed it off. We had only been together for about 2 or 3 months when this happened but it got an awkward moment out of the way and it was never a problem after that. I know that some men think it is completely unacceptable for a woman to fart but we are all humans and it happens.


But if your partner does not like it then I think you should make the same effort you would around your friends or strangers not to do it in front of them.

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But that is not the point of the thread. You can let one go anytime in front of anyone. If I accidentally, can't help myself fart in a crowded lift....am I therefore ready to have sex with everyone in that lift?.... that cannot be a sign of intimacy because what choice do the people around you have but to accept it. What choice did you have but to gasp at the farts escape?


This question goes to ripping out farts in front of your loved one just because you can. The OP has nothing to do with medical emergencies or unstoppable farts.


This is without a doubt the funniest thread I've seen.


Two thoughts...


First, my husband and I fart in front of each other pretty regularly...not intentionally, like "pull my finger, Beavis," but just in the natural course of things. OK...sometimes we do laugh about it if it's particularly loud, or bad--but we used to laugh when my dad farted, too. I just don't think it's particularly offensive (at least the act itself).


Second, I think "Unstoppable Farts" is a killer name for a band.

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My ex and I used to occasionally fart in front of one another......me being the biggest offender. However, I personally feel it is disrespectful to fart routinely in front of a woman and I would often go to another room if a particularly nasty one was brewing. I think that while we were comfortable doing it, we didn't really want to get into a situation where we forgot about our manners.


As for toilets, etc, she tended to view the act of taking a poo as private so I never saw that (not that I would particularly want to either), but she never cared about peeing in front of me.

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Um if a man thinks its unacceptable for a woman NOT to far, than obviously they need some help. We ARNT in the 20-60's anymore!


I have Acid Reflux/IBS, its GOING to happen.


We laugh about it, lol but most of time we just say "gross" and laugh.


Sometimes we will make a face when its really long etc but thats about it.

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Do you think it's a good idea to not start a sexual relationship with someone until you are both comfortable farting in front of one another?


I'm being totally serious. Think about it - sex is the most intimate of acts and if you can't pass wind in front of your SO, then sex is going to be more embarrassing, what with queefs and all...


Haha. Erm, me and the bf have been together 2 yrs and much to his disliking still don't fart around each other.

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